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Spirit Healer
Quick Facts
  • Level: 1 - 0
  • Health
  • Mana
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Humanoid
  • Spirit Healer
  • Added in 1.11.1

  • Screenshot


Mardum, the Shattered Abyss (39, full), Suramar (37, full), Stormsong Valley (36, full), Highmountain (28, full), Azsuna (28, full), Val'sharah (27, full), Stormheim (27, full), Tiragarde Sound (25, full), Nagrand (21, full), Gorgrond (20, full), Talador (18, full), Nazjatar (15, full), Shadowmoon Valley (15, full), Feralas (15, full), Drustvar (15, full), Spires of Arak (14, full), Frostfire Ridge (14, full), Twilight Highlands (13, full), Deepholm (11, full), Tanaris (11, full), Broken Shore (11, full), Hellfire Peninsula (10, full), Blade's Edge Mountains (9, full), Ashenvale (9, full), Darkshore (9, full), Azshara (8, full), Eastern Plaguelands (8, full), Arathi Highlands (8, full), Mechagon (8, full), The Lost Isles (7, full), Tirisfal Glades (7, full), Southern Barrens (7, full), Gilneas (7, full), Uldum (7, full), Winterspring (6, full), Western Plaguelands (6, full), Vale of Eternal Blossoms (6, full), Burning Steppes (6, full), Westfall (6, full), Blasted Lands (6, full), Mount Hyjal (6, full), Searing Gorge (6, full), Northern Barrens (6, full), Shadowmoon Valley (6, full), Desolace (6, full), Zangarmarsh (6, full), The Wandering Isle (6, full), Isle of Thunder (6, full), Silithus (6, full), Badlands (5, full), Exile's Reach (5, full), Swamp of Sorrows (5, full), Abyssal Depths (5, full), Nagrand (5, full), Wetlands (5, full), Terokkar Forest (5, full), Hillsbrad Foothills (5, full), Dun Morogh (5, full), Dustwallow Marsh (5, full), The Hinterlands (5, full), Durotar (4, full), Ghostlands (4, full), Silverpine Forest (4, full), The Jade Forest (4, full), Dalaran (4, full), Netherstorm (4, full), Duskwood (4, full), Gilneas City (4, full), Shimmering Expanse (3, full), Mulgore (3, full), Loch Modan (3, full), Redridge Mountains (3, full), Elwynn Forest (3, full), Lunarfall (3, full), Teldrassil (3, full), Deadwind Pass (3, full), Eversong Woods (3, full), The Cape of Stranglethorn (3, full), Frostwall (3, full), Siege of Niuzao Temple (3, full), Un'Goro Crater (3, full), Tanaan Jungle (3, full), Tol Dagor (2, full), Eye of Azshara (2, full), Deathknell (2, full), Stranglethorn Vale (2, full), Uldum (2, full), Azuremyst Isle (2, full), Camp Narache (2, full), Acherus: The Ebon Hold (2, full), Ashran (2, full), Kelp'thar Forest (2, full), New Tinkertown (2, full), Thousand Needles (2, full), Scholomance (2, full), Bloodmyst Isle (2, full), Valley of the Four Winds (2, full), Moonglade (2, full), Felwood (2, full), Zul'Drak (1, full), Telogrus Rift (1, full), Northern Stranglethorn (1, full), Dalaran Sewers (1, full), Isle of Quel'Danas (1, full), Orgrimmar (1, full), Boralus Harbor (1, full), Darkmoon Island (1, full), Sunstrider Isle (1, full), Kun-Lai Summit (1, full), Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom (1, full), Isle of Giants (1, full), Ammen Vale (1, full), Durotar (1, full), Valley of Trials (1, full), Thunder Bluff (1, full), Coldridge Valley (1, full), Darnassus (1, full), Shadowglen (1, full), Icecrown (1, full), Orgrimmar (1, full), Northshire (1, full)
(Total spawns: 821)

Texts (2)Same model (11)See also (18)
It is not yet your time. I shall aid your journey back to the realm of the living... for a price.
Return me to life.