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Quick Facts
  • Level: 40
  • Classification: Elite
  • Health
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Giant
  • Binds instance
  • Added in 6.0.1

  • Screenshot

Immunities: Default boss immunities

Highmaul (1, full)
(Total spawns: 1)

Dungeon Journal (1)Texts (9)
Overview - The Twin Ogron combat players while performing attacks at specific energy thresholds. At 33 energy, an Ogron uses his special weapon attack. At 66 energy, an Ogron performs a large shout. Finally, at 100 energy, an Ogron performs a large, raid-wide attack. As the distance between the Ogron increases, their haste increases and casting time additionally decreases, reducing the amount of time players have to react to various abilities.
  Damage Dealers -
  • Stand near Phemos for Enfeebling Roar, as he splits damage, effectiveness, and duration amongst nearby targets.
  • Be wary of the radius of Whirlwind and the path of Shield Charge.
  •   Healers -
  • Be ready to heal on the move when Quake and Blaze begins.
  • Watch for Interrupting Shout, as it will interrupt and lock you out of spellcasting for a short duration.
  •   Tanks -
  • Whirlwind has a large radius, and can be deadly when combined with Shield Bash.
  • Controlling the distance between the Twin Ogron is essential to managing the potency of their abilities.
  • Pol
      Shield Bash
      [NO DIFFICULTY] Arcane Bash
      Shield Charge
      [NO DIFFICULTY] Arcane Charge
      [NO DIFFICULTY] Injured
      Interrupting Shout
     [NO DIFFICULTY] Arcane Fragment
      Double Slash
      [NO DIFFICULTY] Arcane Wound
      [NO DIFFICULTY] Arcane Vortex
       Weakened Defenses
      [NO DIFFICULTY] Weakened Defenses
      Enfeebling Roar
     [NO DIFFICULTY] Arcane Volatility
    Warming Up