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Void Portal
Quick Facts
  • Level: 10 - 40
  • Health: 0
  • Armor: 0 (-0% dmg)
  • React: A H
  • Type: Unspecified
  • Added in 6.0.1

Shadowmoon Valley (12, full)
(Total spawns: 12)

See also (38)
Void Portal30A HServer trigger 2.2.0 0
Void Portal30 - 40A HUnspecifiedSpires of Arak6.0.1 1
Void Portal10 - 40A HUnspecified 6.0.2 0
Void Portal30 - 40A HUnspecifiedSpires of Arak6.0.2 1
Void Portal45A HUnspecifiedEredath7.3.0 6
Void Portal1 - 60A HAberration  0
Void Portal20 - 50A HUnspecifiedNazmir 6
Void Portal1 - 60A HUnspecified  0
Void Portal10 - 50A HElementalTiragarde Sound 2
Void Portal10 - 50A HElementalZuldazar 1
Void Portal10 - 50A HElementalZuldazar 1
Void Portal1 - 60A HElemental  0
Void Portal10 - 50A HElementalZuldazar 1
Void Portal1 - 60A HElemental  0
Void Portal10 - 50A HElementalZuldazar 1
Void Portal1 - 60A HElemental  0
Void Portal1 - 60A HElemental  0
Void Portal1 - 60A HElemental  0
Void Portal1 - 60A HElemental  0
Void Portal10 - 50A HElementalZuldazar 1
Void Portal10 - 50A HElementalZuldazar 1
Void Portal1 - 60A HElemental  0
Void Portal1 - 60A HElemental  0
Void Portal1 - 60A HElemental  0
Void Portal1 - 60A HElemental  0
Void Portal50A HUnspecifiedVale of Eternal Twilight 6
Void Portal1 - 60A HUnspecified  0
Void Portal50A HUnspecified Vision of Stormwind 1
Void Portal1 - 60A HUnspecified  0
Void Portal1 - 60A HUnspecified  0
Void Portal52A HUnspecified  0
Void Portal50A HElemental Vision of Stormwind 5
Void Portal1 - 60A HUnspecified  0
Void Portal50A HUnspecifiedVale of Eternal Twilight 2
Void Portal50A HUnspecifiedVision of the Twisting Sands 6
Void Portal1 - 60A HTotem  0
Void Portal1 - 60A HUnspecified  0
Void Portal1 - 60A HUnspecified  0