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Harrison's Footlocker 01
Quick Facts
  • Type: Button
  • Reset timer: 24 days, 20 hours, 31 minutes, 23 seconds
Uldum (1, full)
(Total spawns: 1)

Same model (35)See also (1)
Battered FootlockerChest / Mineral VeinWetlands1.11.1 8
Battered FootlockerChest / Mineral VeinWetlands1.11.1 5
Battered FootlockerChest / Mineral Vein 1.11.1 0
Dented FootlockerChest / Mineral Vein 1.11.1 0
Dented FootlockerChest / Mineral VeinSearing Gorge1.11.1 13
Dented FootlockerChest / Mineral VeinSearing Gorge1.11.1 11
Dented FootlockerChest / Mineral Vein 5.4.2 0
Dented FootlockerChest / Mineral VeinNagrand2.0.1 18
Unlocked ChestChest / Mineral VeinHowling Fjord3.0.1 1
Demonic ChestChest / Mineral VeinDesolace4.0.3 1
Worn CofferChest / Mineral VeinGilneas4.0.3 1
Screws and GearsChest / Mineral VeinSouthern Barrens4.0.1 1
Bael Modan ArtifactChest / Mineral VeinSouthern Barrens4.0.3 10
Kul Tiras TreasureChest / Mineral VeinDurotar4.0.3 22
Allistarjian VaultChest / Mineral VeinBlasted Lands4.0.3 1
Mosh'Ogg BountyChest / Mineral VeinNorthern Stranglethorn4.0.3 1
Harrison's FootlockerButton  0
Harrison's Footlocker 01Door  0
Harrison's Footlocker 00Door  0
Harrsion's Footlocker 00ButtonUldum 1
Abandoned Research SamplesChest / Mineral VeinWinterspring4.0.3 1
Extra ParachutesSpell Caster Gnomeregan 3
Harrison's Footlocker 00 [PH]Server trigger 5.4.2 0
Ruby EyeChest / Mineral VeinDread Wastes5.0.1 1
Timeless ChestChest / Mineral VeinTimeless Isle5.4.0 2
Timeless ChestChest / Mineral VeinTimeless Isle5.4.0 1
Shadowmoon Exile TreasureChest / Mineral VeinShadowmoon Valley6.0.2 1
Ronokk's BelongingsChest / Mineral Vein 6.0.2 0
Relic of AruunaChest / Mineral VeinTalador6.0.2 2
Rusted LockboxChest / Mineral Vein 6.0.2 0
Dusty LockboxChest / Mineral VeinShadowmoon Valley6.0.2 1
Chest of ShroudsChest / Mineral VeinSuramar7.0.3 1
Curious Wyrmtongue CacheChest / Mineral VeinBroken Shore7.2.0 1
Curious Wyrmtongue CacheChest / Mineral VeinBroken Shore7.2.0 1
Interesting DebrisGenericStormsong Valley 9