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Musty Scroll
Quick Facts
  • Type: Quest Giver
  • Can't interact
  • Added in 1.11.1

  • Screenshot

Dustwallow Marsh (1, full)
(Total spawns: 1)

Same model (11)
Syndicate DocumentsQuest Giver 1.11.1 0
A Soggy ScrollQuest GiverSwamp of Sorrows1.11.1 1
Cortello's RiddleChest / Mineral Vein 1.11.1 0
Waterlogged LetterChest / Mineral Vein 1.11.1 0
Cantation of ManifestationChest / Mineral VeinTirisfal Glades1.11.1 6
Vanndar's DocumentsChest / Mineral Vein 1.11.1 0
Night Elf Plans: Scrying on the Sin'doreiChest / Mineral VeinGhostlands2.0.1 1
Syndicate DocumentsQuest Giver 5.4.2 0
Rolled ScrollGenericHillsbrad Foothills 1
Scarlet Onslaught Daily Orders: BeachChest / Mineral VeinDragonblight3.0.1 1
Weeping Quarry LedgerChest / Mineral VeinIcecrown3.0.2 1