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Pippers' Buried Supplies
Quick Facts
  • Type: Chest / Mineral Vein
  • Added in 6.0.2

  • Screenshot

Lunarfall (1, full)
(Total spawns: 1)

Same model (53)See also (3)
Mound of loose dirtQuest Giver 1.11.1 14
Shallow GraveQuest Giver 1.11.1 2
Mound of DirtGooberDuskwood1.11.1 1
Gordunni Dirt MoundChest / Mineral VeinFeralas1.11.1 13
Fresh DirtChest / Mineral VeinWestfall4.0.1 13
Soft Dirt MoundGoober 1.11.1 0
Loose Dirt MoundGoober 1.11.1 0
Mound of DirtQuest Giver 1.11.1 0
Gordunni Dirt MoundChest / Mineral Vein 1.11.1 0
Marla's GraveGooberDeathknell1.11.1 1
Small Dirt MoundGenericEastern Plaguelands 1
Dead Mire SoilChest / Mineral VeinZangarmarsh2.0.1 13
Fei Fei's CacheChest / Mineral VeinHellfire Peninsula2.0.1 1
GraveGenericValley of the Four Winds 1
Mound of DebrisChest / Mineral VeinHowling Fjord3.0.1 1
Raised MudGooberSholazar Basin3.0.1 8
Dirt MoundGoober 3.0.1 0
Unmarked GraveGeneric  4
Raised MudChest / Mineral VeinSholazar Basin3.0.1 4
Loose SoilChest / Mineral VeinFeralas4.0.1 21
Corpse Worm MoundChest / Mineral Vein 4.1.0 10
Night Elf GraveQuest GiverAshenvale4.2.0 1
Moon-kissed ClayChest / Mineral VeinAshenvale4.0.3 16
Pile of AshSpell FocusMount Hyjal 1
Obsidian-Flecked MudChest / Mineral VeinBurning Steppes4.0.1 20
Dadanga's GraveQuest GiverUn'Goro Crater4.0.3 1
Lightforged RodQuest GiverDuskwood4.0.3 1
Mound of Loose DirtGooberDuskwood4.0.3 1
Fresh DirtChest / Mineral Vein 5.0.1 0
Lump of SandChest / Mineral VeinKrasarang Wilds5.0.1 13
Recently Disturbed Dirt MoundQuest GiverNorthern Stranglethorn4.1.0 1
Lightforged ArchQuest GiverDuskwood4.0.3 1
Lightforged CrestQuest GiverDuskwood4.0.3 1
Suspicious Mound of DirtChest / Mineral VeinUn'Goro Crater4.0.3 1
Mound of SoilGeneric  0
Pippers' Buried SuppliesChest / Mineral Vein 6.0.2 0
Pippers' Buried SuppliesChest / Mineral VeinLunarfall6.0.2 1
A Pile of DirtChest / Mineral VeinNagrand6.0.2 1
Dirt MoundGeneric  0
Pippers' Buried SuppliesChest / Mineral VeinLunarfall6.0.2 1
Mound of DirtChest / Mineral Vein 5.4.2 0
Suspicious Dirt MoundQuest Giver 5.4.2 0
Loose SoilGoober 6.2.0 0
Fertilized Dirt MoundSpell Caster  0
Fertilized Dirt MoundSpell Caster  0
Conspicuous Dirt PileGoober 7.0.3 0
Planted SoilGeneric  0
Planted SoilGeneric  0
Worm MoundChest / Mineral VeinStormwind City4.0.1 13
Disturbed MudChest / Mineral VeinBroken Shore7.2.0 46
Disturbed MudChest / Mineral Vein 7.2.0 0
Freshly Dug SandGoober  0
Freshly Dug SandChest / Mineral Vein  0