
Latest fixes

Looking for an object but don't know where it is? Use Object Finder! Informations are read directly from the WoW Freakz database

Sacred Fire of Life

Object isn't spawned anywhere

Same model (18)
Firework test trapTrap  0
Firework testChest / Mineral Vein 1.12.1 0
BonfireButtonThunder Bluff 1
Bones of AggonarSpell Focus  0
BonfireSpell Focus  0
Ahune BonfireGeneric The Slave Pens 2
Battlescar Signal FireGooberIcecrown3.0.2 1
Signal FireSpell Focus  0
BonfireGenericKelp'thar Forest 1
BonfireSpell Focus  0
Signal FireQuest GiverKrasarang Wilds5.1.0 1
Signal FireButtonKrasarang Wilds 3
Mystic BonfireGoober 7.0.3 0
Mystic BonfireGoober 7.0.3 0
Mystic BonfireGoober 7.0.3 0
Mystic BonfireGeneric  0
BonfireSpell Focus Vision of Orgrimmar 1
BonfireSpell Focus Vision of Orgrimmar 1