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Sign Post - REPLACE ME
Quick Facts
  • Type: Generic

Object isn't spawned anywhere

Same model (100)See also (2)
Vindicator TempleBook / ScrollShadowmoon Valley6.0.2 1
Embaari VillageBook / ScrollShadowmoon Valley6.0.2 1
Temple of KaraborBook / ScrollShadowmoon Valley6.0.2 1
Shattrath CityGeneric  0
NagrandGeneric  0
AuchindounGeneric  0
Fort WrynnGeneric  0
Vol'jin's PrideGeneric  0
Vol'jin's PrideGeneric  0
AruunaGeneric  0
TuuremGeneric  0
Shattrath CityGeneric  0
AruunaGeneric  0
TuuremGeneric  0
TuuremGeneric  0
Duskfall IslandGeneric  0
ZangarraGeneric  0
TuuremGeneric  0
Shattrath CityGeneric  0
Duskfall IslandGeneric  0
TuuremGeneric  0
Vol'jin's PrideGeneric  0
TuuremGeneric  0
Duskfall IslandGeneric  0
Shadowmoon ValleyGeneric  0
AruunaGeneric  0
Fort WrynnGeneric  0
Shattrath CityGeneric  0
TuuremGeneric  0
Auchenai PrecipiceGeneric  0
Tomb of LightsGeneric  0
AuchindounGeneric  0
Tomb of LightsGeneric  0
Duskfall IslandGeneric  0
AuchindounGeneric  0
TelmorGeneric  0
Duskfall IslandGeneric  0
TuuremGeneric  0
Tomb of LightsGeneric  0
GorgrondGeneric  0
GorgrondGeneric  0
AuchindounGeneric  0
Aarko's EstateGeneric  0
TelmorGeneric  0
TelmorGeneric  0
AruunaGeneric  0
Sha'tari SkymesaGeneric  0
Spire of LightGeneric  0
Shattrath City CenterGeneric  0
Sha'tari AnchorageGeneric  0
Shattrath Residential DistrictGeneric  0
Shattrath CommonsGeneric  0
AuchindounGeneric  0
Spire of LightGeneric  0
Shattrath CityGeneric  0
AuchindounGeneric  0
Shattrath City CenterGeneric  0
AuchindounGeneric  0
Liadrin's WatchGeneric  0
Court of SoulsGeneric  0
Shattrath Residential DistrictGeneric  0
Shattrath OverlookGeneric  0
Sha'tari Market DistrictGeneric  0
Sha'tari SkymesaGeneric  0
AuchindounGeneric  0
Sign Post - REPLACE MEGeneric  0
Shattrath OverlookGeneric  0
Anguish FortressGeneric  0
Temple of KaraborGeneric  0
ElodorGeneric  0
ElodorGeneric  0
Temple of KaraborGeneric  0
Embaari VillageGeneric  0
Teluuna ObservatoryGeneric  0
Embaari VillageGeneric  0
Temple of KaraborGeneric  0
Anguish FortressGeneric  0
Shattrath CityGeneric  0
TuuremGeneric  0
Fort WrynnGeneric  0
Vol'jin's PrideGeneric  0
Embaari VillageGeneric  0
Temple of KaraborGeneric  0
LunarfallGeneric  0
Starfall OutpostGeneric  0
AuchindounGeneric  0
Embaari VillageGeneric  0
The DraakoriumGeneric  0
Embaari VillageGeneric  0
ElodorGeneric  0
The DraakoriumGeneric  0
Light's FallGeneric  0
Anchorite's SojournGeneric  0
Gordal FortressGeneric  0
Spires of ArakGeneric  0
Spires of ArakGeneric  0
Embaari VillageGeneric  0
Anchorite's SojournGeneric  0
Temple of KaraborGeneric  0
Eventide LandingGeneric  0