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Quick Facts
  • Type: Generic
Arathi Highlands (23, full)
(Total spawns: 23)

See also (100)
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 4
TorchButton  65
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 4
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 4
TorchButtonWestern Plaguelands 1
TorchButton ScholomanceOLD 1
TorchButtonFeralas 1
TorchButtonFeralas 1
TorchButtonFeralas 1
TorchButtonFeralas 1
TorchButtonFeralas 1
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 4
TorchSpell FocusZul'Drak 1
TorchSpell FocusZul'Drak 1
TorchSpell FocusZul'Drak 2
TorchSpell FocusZul'Drak 1
TorchSpell FocusZul'Drak 2
TorchSpell FocusZul'Drak 2
TorchSpell Focus  0
TorchSpell Focus  0
TorchSpell FocusZul'Drak 1
TorchSpell Focus  0
TorchSpell FocusZul'Drak 1
TorchSpell FocusZul'Drak 1
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 4
TorchSpell FocusUldum 2
TorchSpell FocusUldum 2
TorchSpell FocusUldum 2
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 4
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 4
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 3
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 4
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 4
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 4
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 4
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 4
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 4
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 4
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 5
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 3
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 4
TorchSpell FocusUldum 2
TorchSpell FocusUldum 1
TorchSpell FocusUldum 1
TorchSpell FocusUldum 1
TorchSpell FocusUldum 1
TorchSpell FocusUldum 1
TorchSpell FocusUldum 2
TorchSpell FocusUldum 2
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 4
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 2
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 4
TorchGeneric  0
TorchGenericTalador 3
TorchGenericNagrand 6
TorchGenericTalador 2
TorchGeneric  0
TorchGeneric  0
TorchGeneric  0
TorchGeneric  0
TorchGeneric  0
TorchGeneric  0
TorchGenericMount Hyjal 24
TorchGeneric  0
TorchButton  0
TorchSpell Focus  0
TorchSpell Focus  0
TorchSpell Focus  0
TorchSpell Focus  0
TorchSpell Focus  0
TorchSpell Focus  0
TorchDoor  0
TorchGenericMardum, the Shattered Abyss 2
TorchGoober 7.0.3 0
TorchGoober 7.0.3 0
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 4
TorchGenericThe Great Sea 1
TorchGenericDalaran 4
TorchGeneric  0
TorchGeneric  0
TorchGeneric  0
TorchGeneric  0
TorchGenericStormheim 8
TorchGeneric  0
TorchGenericDurotar 2
TorchGenericDalaran 1
TorchGoober 7.0.3 0
TorchGeneric  55
TorchSpell FocusOrgrimmar 4
TorchGeneric Twisting Nether 4
TorchGenericZuldazar 5
TorchButtonZuldazar 1
TorchGoober  40
TorchGeneric  0
TorchGenericZuldazar 2
TorchGenericArathi Highlands 1
TorchGeneric The Prison of Ink 4
TorchSpell Focus  0
TorchSpell Focus  0
TorchSpell Focus  0