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Tower Trap - Aggro
Quick Facts
  • Type: Trap
  • Radius: 8 yards
  • No despawn

Object isn't spawned anywhere

Same model (100)
Bright CampfireTrap  0
Hellfire Hot Spot SpreaderTrap  0
Lashh'an Spell CircleDoor  0
Scorched Grove RunestoneSpell FocusEversong Woods 1
Unguarded Summoning SiteSpell FocusShadowmoon Valley 1
Witherbark VillageSpell Focus  0
FlamesTrapBorean Tundra 10
FlamesTrapBorean Tundra 1
Smoldering LeavesTrapBorean Tundra 7
Seek and DestroyGeneric  0
Lightning RodGeneric  0
Transpolyporter TRBBSpell Focus  0
Maraudon Spell FocusSpell Focus  0
Guse's Beacon Spell FocusSpell Focus  0
Jeztor's Beacon Spell FocusSpell Focus  0
Mulverick's Beacon Spell FocusSpell Focus  0
Ryson's Beacon Spell FocusSpell Focus  0
Ryson's Beacon Spell FocusSpell Focus  0
Vipore's Beacon Spell FocusSpell Focus  0
Slidore's Beacon Spell FocusSpell Focus  0
Ichman's Beacon Spell FocusSpell Focus  0
Kroshius' RemainsSpell Focus  0
Bones of Grakkarond Spell FocusSpell Focus  0
Drop-Off PointSpell Focus  0
Midsummer Bonfire Spell FocusSpell FocusShattrath City 10
Midsummer Bonfire Campfire Spell FocusSpell Focus  0
Bloodmyst Water FocusSpell Focus  0
Windyreed Spell FocusSpell Focus  0
Windyreed Spell FocusSpell Focus  0
Boha'mu StairsSpell Focus  0
Daggerfen RockSpell Focus  0
Veil Shalas TotemSpell Focus  0
Elrendar Falls Spell FocusSpell Focus  0
Thadell's FieldSpell Focus  0
Salaadin's Energy ConduitSpell Focus  0
Eco-Dome Sutheron GeneratorSpell Focus  0
Burning Blade PyreSpell Focus  0
Void Conduit Spell FocusSpell Focus  1
Legion Hold TeleporterSpell Focus  0
Legion Communication DeviceSpell Focus  0
BookcaseSpell Focus  0
Weapon RackSpell Focus  0
DresserSpell Focus  0
FootlockerSpell Focus  0
All Dark Ritualists DeadSpell Focus  0
Forge Camp Warp-GateSpell Focus  0
Blackhoof Village WindmillSpell Focus  0
Hyal Family MonumentSpell FocusDustwallow Marsh 1
Entrance to Onyxia's LairSpell Focus Onyxia's Lair 1
Swamplight DockSpell Focus  0
Iron Rune Transport Spell Focus (Quest Step 01)Spell Focus  0
Iron Rune Transport Spell Focus (Quest Step 02)Spell Focus  0
Hauthaa's Anvil Spell FocusSpell Focus  0
Shield Hill Spell FocusSpell Focus  0
Nerub'ar SinkholeSpell Focus  0
Kvaldir Ship Spell FocusSpell Focus  0
End of Warsong JettySpell Focus  0
Borean Crossroads Spell FocusSpell Focus  0
Bloodmage LaurithSpell Focus  0
East End of Thor Modan TunnelsSpell Focus  0
Wintergarde Gryphon StationSpell Focus  0
Siege Engineer Quarterflash FocusSpell Focus  0
Wintergarde MausoleumSpell Focus  0
Squire PercySpell Focus  0
Top of the Suntouched PillarSpell Focus  0
Shackles of RazelikhTrap  0
Shackles of GrolTrap  0
Shackles of AllistarjTrap  0
Shackles of SevineTrap  0
Zul'Farrak Entrance AlarmTrap  0
Tower Flame WestTrap  0
Spire Spider Egg TrapTrap  0
[PH] Test FireworkServer trigger  0
MarkerTrap  0
Might of RagnarosTrap  0
Ryson's All Seeing Eye TrapTrap  0
Midsummer Bonfire Spawn TrapTrap  0
Midsummer Bonfire DespawnerTrap  0
Midsummer Bonfire Spawn Trap 2Trap  0
Azure Snapdragon TrapTrap  0
TrapTrap  0
TrapTrap  0
TrapTrap  0
TrapTrap  0
TrapTrap  0
Infernaling Summoner Damage TrapTrap  0
Vim'gol's Circle Population Tester Trap ATrap  0
Vim'gol's Circle Population Tester Trap BTrap  0
Vim'gol's Circle Population Tester Trap CTrap  0
Vim'gol's Circle Population Tester Trap DTrap  0
Vim'gol's Circle Population Tester Trap ETrap  0
Legion Ring Test TrapTrap  0
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Loose Rock TrapTrap  0
Wintergarde Gryphon StationTrap  0
Sturdy Vine (Prompt Fruit Toss and Despawn)Trap  0
Harvested Blight CrystalTrap  0
Drakuru Shackle TESTGoober 5.4.2 0
Spirit CandleTrap  0
Kaja'mite Deposit Trap ATrap  0