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Truesilver Deposit
Quick Facts
  • Type: Gathering Node
  • Added in 1.11.1

  • Screenshot

Felwood (79, full), Un'Goro Crater (74, full), Azshara (74, full), Silithus (70, full), Desolace (38, full), Feralas (33, full), Alterac Valley (13, full), Thousand Needles (12, full), Searing Gorge (10, full), Badlands (3, full), Burning Steppes (3, full), Winterspring (2, full), Swamp of Sorrows (2, full), Dustwallow Marsh (2, full), Tanaris (2, full), Blasted Lands (1, full), Maraudon (1, full), Eastern Plaguelands (1, full)
(Total spawns: 420)

Same model (5)See also (2)
Silver VeinGathering NodeSilithus1.11.1 418
Silver VeinChest / Mineral Vein 1.11.1 0
Truesilver DepositGathering Node 1.11.1 0
Truesilver DepositChest / Mineral Vein 1.11.1 0
Rich Energized IronChest / Mineral Vein 5.4.2 0