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Wind Stone
Quick Facts
  • Type: Quest Giver
  • Added in 1.11.1
Silithus (1, full)
(Total spawns: 1)

Texts (6)Condition for (4)Same model (16)See also (5)
A clear voice rises from within the stone...

Where is your Medallion of Station, little one? You may not speak with a Duke without proof of title...
You will listen to this, vile duke! I am not your Twilight's Hammer lapdog! I am here to challenge you! Come! Come, and meet your death...
Duke of Cynders! I hold your signet! Heed my call!
Duke of Fathoms! I hold your signet! Heed my call!
Duke of Shards! I hold your signet! Heed my call!
Duke of Zephyrs! I hold your signet! Heed my call!