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Quick Facts
  • Type: Generic
Stormwind City (100, full), Howling Fjord (49, full), Dragonblight (31, full), Grizzly Hills (31, full), The Exodar (31, full), Borean Tundra (25, full), Twilight Highlands (24, full), The Storm Peaks (21, full), Zul'Drak (18, full), Ironforge (14, full), Southern Barrens (13, full), Duskwood (12, full), Ashenvale (7, full), Elwynn Forest (7, full), Wetlands (7, full), The Jade Forest (7, full), Blasted Lands (7, full), The Hinterlands (6, full), Kun-Lai Summit (6, full), Sholazar Basin (5, full), Redridge Mountains (5, full), Desolace (5, full), Silvermoon City (4, full), Boralus Harbor (4, full), Westfall (4, full), Azuremyst Isle (4, full), Teldrassil (4, full), Swamp of Sorrows (3, full), Loch Modan (3, full), Badlands (3, full), Dun Morogh (3, full), Northern Stranglethorn (3, full), Dustwallow Marsh (3, full), Bloodmyst Isle (3, full), Vale of Eternal Blossoms (3, full), Darnassus (2, full), Tiragarde Sound (2, full), Valley of the Four Winds (2, full), Krasarang Wilds (2, full), Feralas (2, full), Eastern Plaguelands (2, full), Felwood (2, full), Tirisfal Glades (1, full), Silverpine Forest (1, full), Hillsbrad Foothills (1, full), Dread Wastes (1, full), Darkshore (1, full), Western Plaguelands (1, full), Townlong Steppes (1, full), The Veiled Stair (1, full)
(Total spawns: 501)

Same model (5)
G_Pumpkin_01 scale 4.0GenericBorean Tundra 43
G_Pumpkin_01 Scale 2.0Generic  0
G_Pumpkin_01 Scale 3.0Generic  4
G_Pumpkin_01 scale 0.5Generic  29
Generic  0