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Marksman Regiment's Cooking Pot
Quick Facts
  • Type: Quest Giver
  • Can't interact
  • Added in 2.0.1

  • Screenshot

Shattrath City (1, full)
(Total spawns: 1)

Same model (26)
CookpotSpell FocusAzuremyst Isle 1
CookpotSpell FocusThe Exodar 1
CookpotSpell Focus  0
CookpotSpell FocusThe Exodar 1
CookpotSpell FocusZangarmarsh 1
CookpotSpell FocusNetherstorm 1
CookpotSpell FocusNagrand 1
CookpotSpell FocusNagrand 1
CookpotSpell FocusNagrand 1
CookpotSpell FocusNagrand 1
CookpotSpell FocusHellfire Peninsula 1
CookpotSpell FocusZangarmarsh 1
CookpotSpell FocusAmmen Vale 1
CookpotSpell Focus  0
CookpotSpell Focus  3
CookpotSpell FocusTerokkar Forest 1
CookpotSpell FocusHellfire Peninsula 1
CookpotSpell FocusSwamp of Sorrows 1
CookpotSpell FocusTalador 1
CookpotSpell FocusTalador 1
CookpotSpell FocusTalador 1
CookpotSpell FocusShadowmoon Valley 1
CookpotSpell FocusShadowmoon Valley 3
CookpotSpell FocusTalador 1
CookpotSpell FocusTalador 1
CookpotSpell FocusTalador 1