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Greater Cache of the Aspects
Quick Facts
  • Type: Chest / Mineral Vein
  • Added in 4.3.0

  • Screenshot

Dragon Soul (1, full)
(Total spawns: 1)

Same model (15)See also (4)
Minor Cache of the AspectsChest / Mineral Vein Well of Eternity4.3.0 1
Murozond's Temporal CacheChest / Mineral Vein End Time4.3.0 1
Greater Cache of the AspectsChest / Mineral Vein Dragon Soul4.3.0 1
Greater Cache of the AspectsChest / Mineral Vein Dragon Soul4.3.0 1
Greater Cache of the AspectsChest / Mineral Vein Dragon Soul4.3.0 1
Greater Cache of the AspectsChest / Mineral Vein Dragon Soul4.3.0 1
Lesser Cache of the AspectsChest / Mineral Vein Dragon Soul4.3.0 1
Lesser Cache of the AspectsChest / Mineral Vein Dragon Soul4.3.0 1
Lesser Cache of the AspectsChest / Mineral Vein Dragon Soul4.3.0 1
Lesser Cache of the AspectsChest / Mineral Vein Dragon Soul4.3.0 1
Lesser Cache of the AspectsChest / Mineral Vein Dragon Soul4.3.0 1
Placeholder TreasureGeneric  0
Tesoro del drag�nGoober  0
Dragon's CacheGoober  0
Keepsake ChestChest / Mineral Vein  1