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Sentry Point
Quick Facts
  • Type: Generic
Dustwallow Marsh (1, full)
(Total spawns: 1)

Same model (78)See also (6)
The SepulcherGeneric  0
Pyrewood VillageGeneric  0
TirisfalGeneric  0
AmbermillGeneric  0
Pyrewood VillageGeneric  0
Shadowfang KeepGeneric  0
TirisfalGeneric  0
The SepulcherGeneric  0
PyrewoodGeneric  0
Deep Elem MineGeneric  0
GilneasGeneric  0
Hillsbrad PlainsGeneric  0
Hillsbrad FoothillsGeneric  0
Tabetha's FarmGenericDustwallow Marsh 1
MudsprocketGenericDustwallow Marsh 1
North Point TowerGenericDustwallow Marsh 1
The BarrensGenericDustwallow Marsh 1
Theramore IsleGenericDustwallow Marsh 1
Theramore IsleGenericDustwallow Marsh 1
Sentry PointGenericDustwallow Marsh 1
North Point TowerGenericDustwallow Marsh 1
The BarrensGenericDustwallow Marsh 1
Sentry PointGenericDustwallow Marsh 1
Theramore IsleGenericDustwallow Marsh 1
North Point TowerGenericDustwallow Marsh 1
The BarrensGenericDustwallow Marsh 1
Shady Rest InnGenericDustwallow Marsh 1
Newman's LandingGenericDun Morogh 1
The SepulcherGeneric  0
TirisfalGeneric  0
AmbermillGeneric  0
Shadowfang KeepGeneric  0
AmbermillGeneric  0
The SepulcherGeneric  0
Pyrewood VillageGeneric  0
Shadowfang KeepGeneric  0
TirisfalGeneric  0
Pyrewood VillageGeneric  0
Shadowfang KeepGeneric  0
The SepulcherGeneric  0
GilneasGeneric  0
Hillsbrad PlainsGeneric  0
Pyrewood VillageGeneric  0
Shadowfang KeepGenericSilverpine Forest 1
GilneasGeneric  0
AmbermillGeneric  0
The SepulcherGeneric  0
GilneasGenericSilverpine Forest 1
AmbermillGenericSilverpine Forest 1
Hillsbrad PlainsGenericSilverpine Forest 1
Pyrewood VillageGenericSilverpine Forest 1
Shadowfang KeepGenericSilverpine Forest 1
Hillsbrad FoothillsGeneric  0
GilneasGeneric  0
Pyrewood VillageGeneric  0
Shadowfang KeepGeneric  0
AmbermillGeneric  0
Brackenwall VillageGenericDustwallow Marsh 1
Shady Rest InnGenericDustwallow Marsh 1
North Point TowerGenericDustwallow Marsh 1
The BarrensGenericDustwallow Marsh 1
Theramore IsleGenericDustwallow Marsh 1
Theramore IsleGeneric  0
North Point TowerGeneric  0
The BarrensGeneric  0
Sentry PointGeneric  0
Theramore IsleGeneric  0
Sentry PointGeneric  0
North Point TowerGeneric  0
The BarrensGeneric  0
Theramore IsleGeneric  0
North Point TowerGeneric  0
The BarrensGeneric  0
Theramore IsleGeneric  0
Sentry PointGeneric  0
Sentry PointGeneric  0
North Point TowerGeneric  0
The BarrensGeneric  0