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Large Sack
Quick Facts
  • Type: Generic
Shadowmoon Valley (1, full), The Exodar (1, full)
(Total spawns: 4)

Same model (25)
Sack of SuppliesChest / Mineral Vein 6.0.2 0
Steamwheedle SuppliesChest / Mineral VeinNagrand6.0.2 1
Steamwheedle SuppliesChest / Mineral VeinNagrand6.0.2 1
Warsong SuppliesChest / Mineral VeinNagrand6.0.2 1
Adventurer's PouchChest / Mineral VeinNagrand6.0.2 1
Watertight BagChest / Mineral VeinNagrand6.0.2 1
Adventurer's PouchChest / Mineral Vein 6.0.2 0
SuppliesGeneric  0
Outcast's PouchChest / Mineral VeinSpires of Arak6.0.2 1
Waterlogged SatchelChest / Mineral VeinSpires of Arak6.0.2 1
Sailor's SatchelGenericAzsuna 1
Ogre BagGeneric  0
SatchelGeneric  0
SatchelGeneric  0
Jabrul's Bag of JewelsChest / Mineral VeinVal'sharah7.0.3 1
??????? ??????Goober  0
SackGenericStormheim 2
Supply PouchChest / Mineral Vein  0
GauntletGooberDrustvar 1
Blasting PowderChest / Mineral VeinDrustvar 11
Small Coin BagQuest Giver  0
SackGeneric Tol Dagor 3
Seed BagGoober  0
Sack of MunitionsGeneric  0
SatchelGeneric  2