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Hands of the Enemy

Bring the Hands of Lucifron, Sulfuron, Gehennas and Shazzrah to Duke Hydraxis in Azshara.
  » Hand of Shazzrah
  » Hand of Lucifron
  » Hand of Gehennas
  » Hand of Sulfuron

<name>, your service is of great value to us, so we are reluctant to send you on this last mission for we do not want to lose such a useful agent.

But its success would further our war efforts tremendously and... it was deemed worth risking you.

We want these captains in the Molten Core destroyed: Lucifron, Sulfuron, Gehennas and Shazzrah. Kill them and bring me their hands!

This task will take every resource you possess, <name>, but if can do it then the Firelords will be dealt a terrible blow.

- Money at max level: 87

Quick Facts
  • Faction: Both
  • Zone: Azshara
  • Type: Raid
  • Added in 1.11.1
  • Completed by: 0 players @ Felsong
Quest chain:
#QuestStarts atEnds at
1. Hands of the Enemy??
2. A Hero's Reward??
Criteria of (1)Criteria of tree (1)Same zone (200)Same type (200)
The Fifth Element
Obtain an Aqual Quintessence.
(Feats of Strength)