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Light Won't Grant Me Vengeance

Gerk at Thrym's End in Zul'Drak wants you to kill 15 Vargul.
  » 15 x Vargul slain

They... They killed my brother.

<Gerk fights back tears.>

Slaughtered him like he was some sort of animal. Now they got him laid out on one of their tables on the other side of the camp, ready for their grisly experiments. Dargath's dead too. The paladin made a heroic stand at the ruins to the northeast, but the leader of the Vargul, Algar, was too strong.

I'm all that's left and I'll be dead soon too. I... I'm turning.

If the Light won't grant me vengeance, maybe you will, <class>. Kill them all.

- Reputations:
  » +350 reputation with Argent Crusade
- Money: 6 20
- Money at max level: 7 50

Quick Facts
  • Level: 20
  • Required level: 20 - 30
  • Faction: Both
  • Zone: Zul'Drak
  • Added in 3.3.0
  • Completed by: 60 players @ Felsong

  • Screenshot

Quest chain:
#QuestStarts atEnds at
1. , Light Won't Grant Me VengeanceGerkGerk
Criteria of (1)Criteria of tree (1)Same zone (137)
The Empire of Zul'Drak
Complete the Zul'Drak storylines listed below.