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The Aegis of Aggramar

Secure the Aegis of Aggramar in the Chamber of the Guardian in Dalaran.
  » Central Dalaran teleport used

Now that it's out of the hands of the Legion, the Aegis should be brought back to Dalaran for safekeeping while the hunt continues for the rest of the Pillars of Creation. It should be safe in the central portal chamber until the time comes when it is needed.

- Items you can choose:

- Reputations:
  » +500 reputation with Valarjar
- Money: 14 60
- Money at max level: 8 88

Quick Facts
  • Level: 10
  • Required level: 10 - 45
  • Faction: Both
  • Zone: Stormheim
  • Added in 7.0.3
  • Completed by: 0 players @ Felsong

  • Screenshot

Quest chain:
#QuestStarts atEnds at
1. , The Aegis of AggramarThe Aegis of AggramarThe Aegis of Aggramar
Criteria of (2)Criteria of tree (3)Same zone (200)
Fighting with Style: Classic
Unlock all 4 color variations for your original artifact appearance.
Legion Class Hall
(Expansion Features)
Pillars of Creation
Scour the Broken Isles and recover all five Pillars of Creation.