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The Sparring Arena

Speak with Limbflayer at Beastwatch in Gorgrond.

We owe you our freedom, and more. I have spoken to the others, we are willing to return with you to your garrison and teach those pitiful creatures you call "soldiers" how to properly fight.

We will also do our best to impart our knowledge to you, Commander. Should you have need of us when in the wilds of Gorgrond, simply call us.

You may wish to warn Limbflayer of our coming.

Completion - quest log:
Speak with Limbflayer at Beastwatch in Gorgrond.

- Money: 18 30
- Money at max level: 12 57

Quick Facts
  • Level: 15
  • Required level: 15 - 40
  • Faction: Both
  • Zone: Gorgrond
  • Added in 6.0.1
  • Completed by: 0 players @ Felsong
Quest chain:
#QuestStarts atEnds at
1. , The Sparring ArenaKash'drakorLimbflayer (Arena Master)
Criteria of (1)Criteria of tree (1)Same zone (200)See also (1)
Putting the Gore in Gorgrond
Complete the Gorgrond storylines listed below.