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The Winds of Loch Modan

Ride the Skystrider to Algaz Station and then speak with Mountaineer Stormpike.

Father finished the Skystrider. It's amazing! Once we get the bugs worked out, I'm going to use it to fight for justice, just like you.

I know you've got to move on, and help other people, being a hero and all, but how about a ride? I'm about to take the Skystrider on its first flight, and I'll be honored if you join me. I'll drop you off at Algaz Station.

What do you say?

- Reputations:
  » +250 reputation with Gnomeregan
- Money: 3 50
- Money at max level: 9 60

Quick Facts
  • Level: 5
  • Required level: 5 - 30
  • Faction: Both
  • Zone: Loch Modan
  • Added in 4.0.3
  • Completed by: 67 players @ Felsong

  • Screenshot

Quest chain:
#QuestStarts atEnds at
1. The Winds of Loch ModanAndo BlastenheimerMountaineer Stormpike
Criteria of (1)Criteria of tree (1)Same zone (99)
Loch Modan Quests
Complete the Loch Modan storylines listed below.
Eastern Kingdoms