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True Power of the Rod

Use Dartol's Rod and speak with Ota Wen. Convince him to rise up against his Horde oppressors. Then, deliver Dartol's Rod to Raene Wolfrunner.
  » Dartol's Rod (Provided)
  » Dartol's Rod (Provided)

Now, take the rod and while using its power, speak with my brother, Ota Wen.

Ota is amongst the other furbolg that the orcs have captured and have penned in the giant cage on the north side of Silverwind Refuge. The rod will allow you to convince Ota and the other furbolg to rise up and attack the Horde.

Then you may go wherever your path leads you. Just know that you have found a new friend for that which you have done.

Furbolg uprising started.

- Items you can choose:

- Reputations:
  » +500 reputation with Darnassus
- Money: 20
- Money at max level: 2 85

Quick Facts
  • Level: 7
  • Required level: 7 - 30
  • Faction: Both
  • Zone: Ashenvale
  • Added in 4.0.3
  • Completed by: 61 players @ Felsong

  • Screenshot

Quest chain:
#QuestStarts atEnds at
1. True Power of the RodKrolgRaene Wolfrunner
Criteria of (1)Criteria of tree (1)Same zone (200)See also (1)
Ashenvale Quests
Complete the Ashenvale storylines listed below.