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Weeding the Lawn

Pull up 7 Whisperwind Lashers to check them for corruption.
  » 7 x Whisperwind Lashers checked

In a place like this, even something as simple as growing flowers and pulling weeds can require some heroic effort.

The orchid lashers that grow on all sides of the grove are a sign of healing. But they're not flawless; some of them do succumb to demonic corruption now and then.

I've found the best way to check is to just pull them up. If they're normal, they'll wander around a bit and reroot themselves. If they aren't... well, you'd better be ready for a fight!

- Items you can choose:

- Money: 1
- Money at max level: 5 1

Quick Facts
  • Level: 15
  • Required level: 15 - 30
  • Faction: Both
  • Zone: Felwood
  • Added in 4.0.3
  • Completed by: 110 players @ Felsong

  • Screenshot

Quest chain:
#QuestStarts atEnds at
1. , Running Their CourseTender Puregrove (Emerald Circle)Tender Puregrove (Emerald Circle)
2. , Squirrely CleanTender Puregrove (Emerald Circle)Tender Puregrove (Emerald Circle)
3. , Weeding the LawnTender Puregrove (Emerald Circle)Tender Puregrove (Emerald Circle)
Criteria of (1)Criteria of tree (1)Same zone (175)
Felwood Quests
Complete the Felwood storylines listed below.