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Arcane Barrage [#59248]
Arcane Barrage 
200 Mana   30 yd range
Instant cast   
Launches several missiles at the enemy target, causing 7 Arcane damage.

Spell details
Cost 200 ManaDurationn/a
Range30 yards (Medium)SchoolArcane
Cast TimeInstant castMechanicn/a
Cooldownn/aDispel Typen/a
Chargesn/aMax Targetsn/a
GCDn/aGCD CategoryNormal
Damage ClassMagic
Effect #0School damage
Value: 7
Damage School: Arcane
Targets: Enemy
Used by (1)Changelog (5)See also (73)
Azure Binder30A HDragonkin 3.0.2 0