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Ashen Hallow [#367918]
Ashen Hallow 
20% of base Mana   30 yd range
1.5 sec cast   4 m cooldown
Hallow the target area for 30 seconds. Enemies in the area suffer up to 0 (+55% SP)*30/$t2 Shadow damage, and allies are healed for up to 0 (+36% SP)*30/$t2, reduced if there are more than 0 targets.

Within the Hallow, you may use Hammer of Wrath on any target, and its damage is increased by 100%.

Referenced spells:
- Ashen Hallow
- Ashen Hallow
- Ashen Hallow

Ashen Hallow 
Ashen Hallow active.

30 seconds remaining
Spell details
Cost 20% of base ManaDuration30 seconds
Range30 yards (Medium)SchoolShadow
Cast Time1.5 sec castMechanicn/a
Cooldown4 m cooldownDispel Typen/a
Chargesn/aMax Targetsn/a
GCD1.5 secondsGCD CategoryNormal
Damage Classn/a
Effect #0Apply Aura: Dummy aura (server-side)
Value: 0
Targets: Caster
Attributes2 unknown attributes
Modified by (1)See also (5)