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Backdraft [#322908]
    100 yd range
Instant cast   
Strong winds push all players and anima to the back of the platform. While the winds persist, all players gain an application of Lingering Doubt every 6 sec.

Causing winds to blow across the platform.

18 seconds remaining
Spell details
Costn/aDuration18 seconds
Range100 yards (Vision)SchoolPhysical
Cast TimeInstant castMechanicn/a
Cooldownn/aDispel Typen/a
Chargesn/aMax Targetsn/a
GCDn/aGCD Categoryn/a
Damage Classn/a
Effect #0Create Area Trigger
Value: 0
Entry: 19679
Targets: Nearby NPC by DB Entry
Effect #1Apply Aura: Periodically Trigger Spell
Value: 0 every 3 seconds
Targets: Caster
Attributes - Unaffected by invulnerability
- [Client-Side] Don't display in aura bar
- Can target out-of-LoS targets
- Tick at cast/buff apply
- Can target untargetable targets

and 1 other unknown attribute
Triggered by (1)See also (13)