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Chaos Bolt [#216095]
Chaos Bolt 
    40 yd range
3 sec cast   16 s cooldown
Unleashes a devastating blast of chaos, causing 60 (+360% SP) Shadow damage. Chaos Bolt always critically strikes and your critical strike chance increases its damage.
Quick Facts
  • Added in 7.0.3

Reverse Entropy

Referenced spells:
- Reverse Entropy
Spell details
Range40 yards (Long)SchoolFire, Nature, Frost, Shadow, Arcane
Cast Time3 sec castMechanicn/a
Cooldown16 s cooldownDispel TypeMagic
Chargesn/aMax Targetsn/a
GCD1.5 secondsGCD CategoryNormal
Damage ClassMagic
Effect #0School damage
Value: 0
Damage School: Fire, Nature, Frost, Shadow, Arcane
Targets: Enemy
Spellpower coefficient: 360 %
Attributes - Not usable while shapeshifted/polymorphed
- [Client-Side] Don't hide unit weapons in sheath
- Damage depends on caster's level
- Does not reset autoattack timers
Changelog (4)See also (33)
NameVersion (mouseover to see tooltip)
Chaos Bolt (21655)
Chaos Bolt (21414)
Chaos Bolt (21375)
Chaos Bolt (21287)