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Expose Cognition [#341623]
Expose Cognition 
100 Energy   100 yd range
1 sec cast   
The caster exposes the deepest desires of the target's heart, inflicting 90 Physical damage and afflicts the victim with Warped Desires.

Further damage dealt to the victim by Expose Desires is copied to random allies via Shared Cognition.

Referenced spells:
- Warped Desires
- Shared Cognition
Spell details
Cost 100 EnergyDurationn/a
Range100 yards (Vision)SchoolPhysical
Cast Time1 sec castMechanicn/a
Cooldownn/aDispel Typen/a
Chargesn/aMax Targetsn/a
GCDn/aGCD Categoryn/a
Damage ClassMelee
Effect #0School damage
Chance: 90% (Probably wrong, value may be used for something else, read spell tooltip)

Damage School: Physical
Targets: Enemy
Mechanic: n/a
Attributes - [Client-Side] Don't hide unit weapons in sheath
- Probably negative spell?
- Can't be reflected

and 3 other unknown attributes