
Latest fixes

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Fishing [#158743]
    Melee range
Channeled   250 ms cooldown
Equip a fishing pole and find a body of water to fish. Right-click on the bob in the water when it splashes to catch your fish. Higher skill increases your chance of fishing successfully in higher level areas.
Quick Facts
  • Added in 6.0.1

Replaces Fishing
Spell details
FamilyGeneric (Fishing)Leveln/a
Range5 yards (Interact)SchoolPhysical
Cast TimeChanneledMechanicn/a
Cooldown250 ms cooldownDispel Typen/a
Chargesn/aMax Targetsn/a
GCDn/aGCD Categoryn/a
Damage Classn/a
Effect #0Dummy (server-side)
Value: 0
Targets: Caster
Attributes - [Client-Side] Show "ability" instead of "spell"
- [Client-Side] Hidden from spellbook / aura bar
- Not usable while shapeshifted/polymorphed
- Usable while sitting
- Cannot be used in combat
- Channeled target
- Force facing target when channeling
- Fishing spell
- [Client-Side] Display spell name while channeling

and 1 other unknown attribute
Triggered by (2)See also (42)