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Immolation Trap [#78578]
Immolation Trap 
    10 yd range
Instant cast   
Place a fire trap that will burn the first enemy to approach for Fire damage over 15 seconds. Trap will exist for 1 minute.
Quick Facts
  • Added in 4.0.3

Referenced spells:
- Immolation Trap

Immolation Trap   Magic
Fire damage every 3 seconds.

15 seconds remaining
Spell details
Costn/aDuration15 seconds
Range10 yards (Very Short)SchoolFire
Cast TimeInstant castMechanicn/a
Cooldownn/aDispel TypeMagic
Chargesn/aMax Targetsn/a
GCDn/aGCD Categoryn/a
Damage ClassMagic
Effect #0Apply Aura: Periodic Damage
Value: 0 every 3 seconds
Targets: Enemy
Attributes - Damage depends on caster's level

and 1 other unknown attribute
Used by (8)Used by (1)Changelog (5)See also (8)
Ashenvale Scout7 - 30A HHumanoidAshenvale4.0.1 37
Astranaar Skirmisher7 - 30A HHumanoidAshenvale4.0.3 28
Twilight Dragon Hunter5 - 30A HHumanoidAzshara4.0.1 8
Northwatch Ranger
<Northwatch Expeditionary Force>
1 - 30A HHumanoidDurotar4.0.3 9
Murdunk7 - 30A HHumanoidRedridge Mountains4.0.3 1
Twilight Trapper15 - 30A HHumanoidThousand Needles4.0.3 38
Kamatari Whisperwind
<Stormshield Hunter Leader>
40 - 0A HHumanoid 6.0.1 1
Pheary Sparkrocket
<Warspear Hunter Leader>
40 - 0A HHumanoid 6.0.2 1