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Ramkahen Battle Standard [#296806]
Ramkahen Battle Standard 
    40 yd range
Instant cast   
   Stolen Ramkahen Banner
Plants the Ramkahen Battle Standard near the target, summoning 3 Ramkahen Legionnaires to attack it. Only works in Uldum.

Spell details
Range40 yards (Long)SchoolPhysical
Cast TimeInstant castMechanicn/a
Cooldownn/aDispel Typen/a
Chargesn/aMax Targetsn/a
GCDn/aGCD Categoryn/a
Damage Classn/a
Effect #0Force Cast With Target As Caster

Targets: Caster
Only usable in - Uldum
- The Gate of Unending Cycles
- Obelisk of the Stars
- Khartut's Tomb
- Orsis
- Ramkahen
- Nahom
- Mar'at
- Akhenet Fields
- Ramkahen Legion Outpost
- The Pit of Scales
- Sunstone Terrace
- Gate of Hamatep
- Vir'naal River
- Cradle of the Ancients
- Obelisk of the Sun
- Lost City of the Tol'vir
- Ankhaten Harbor
- Ruins of Ammon
- The Cursed Landing
- The Steps of Fate
- The Trail of Devastation
- Tahret Grounds
- Seal of the Sun King
- Sahket Wastes
- Ruins of Ahmtul
- Neferset City
- Sunwatcher's Ridge
- Vir'naal Dam
- Obelisk of the Moon
- Temple of Uldum
- Oasis of Vir'sar
- Ruins of Khintaset
- Sullah's Sideshow
- Maker's Ascent
- Neferset City Outskirts
- Pilgrim's Precipice
- Mount Akher
- Tombs of the Precursors
- Arsad Trade Post
- Keset Pass
- Surveyors' Outpost
- Tomb of the Sun King
- Vir'naal Oasis
- Vir'naal Lake
- Vir'naal River Delta
- Bluff of the South Wind
- Halls of Origination
- Chamber of the Sun
- Chamber of the Moon
- Chamber of the Stars
- Scorpidsting's Schooner
- Sand Dweller's Refuge
Used by items (1)