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Slag Imbued [#62836]
Slag Imbued 
    Unlimited range
Instant cast   
Charges and grabs a random enemy target, tossing them into the caster's slag pot. The target is unable to attack the caster and takes 35 Fire damage every second for 10 seconds. If the target survives, they are imbued with the magical slag, increasing their haste by 100% for 10 seconds.

Referenced spells:
- Slag Pot
- Slag Pot

Slag Imbued 
Haste increased by 100%.

10 seconds remaining
Spell details
Costn/aDuration10 seconds
Range50000 yards (Anywhere - Unlimited)SchoolFire
Cast TimeInstant castMechanicn/a
Cooldownn/aDispel Typen/a
Chargesn/aMax Targetsn/a
GCDn/aGCD Categoryn/a
Damage Classn/a
Effect #0Apply Aura: Decrease Attack Speed %
Chance: 100% (Probably wrong, value may be used for something else, read spell tooltip)

Targets: Caster
Attributes - Probably negative spell?
- Unaffected by invulnerability
- Ignore caster's spellpower/damage bonuses
- Ignores resistances
- Castable while on vehicle
Criteria of (1)Criteria of tree (1)Changelog (5)See also (1)
Hot Pocket (10 player)
Survive being thrown into Ignis the Furnace Master's Slag Pot in 10-player mode.