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The Magistrate's Judgment [#337682]
The Magistrate's Judgment 
Judgment has a 1% chance to reduce the HP cost of your next spender by 0.

The Magistrate's Judgment 
Holy Power cost of your next Holy Power spender reduced by 1.

15 seconds remaining
Spell details
Costn/aDuration15 seconds
Cast Timen/aMechanicn/a
Cooldownn/aDispel Typen/a
Chargesn/aMax Targetsn/a
GCDn/aGCD Categoryn/a
Damage Classn/a
Effect #0Apply Aura: Add Spell Modifier - Flat
Value: -1
Spell Modifier: Spell Cost
Targets: Caster
Affected spells:
» Seraphim» Templar's Verdict» Light of Dawn
» Word of Glory» Justicar's Vengeance» Divine Storm
» Shield of the Righteous» Execution Sentence
Effect #1Apply Aura: Dummy aura (server-side)
Value: 0
Targets: Caster
Proc Flags- Killed by agressor
- Kill target (in most cases need XP/Honor reward)
- Successful melee auto attack
- Taken damage from melee auto attack hit
- Successful attack by spell with melee damage class
- Taken damage by Spell that use melee weapon
- Successful Ranged auto attack
- Taken damage from ranged auto attack
- Successful Ranged attack by spell with ranged damage class
- Taken damage by Spell that use ranged weapon
- Successful Positive spell hit
- Taken Positive spell hit
- Successful Negative spell hit
- Taken Negative spell hit
- Successful Positive Magic spell hit
- Taken Positive Magic spell hit
- Successful Negative Magic spell hit
- Taken Negative Magic spell hit
- Successful do periodic (damage or healing, depending on hit type)
- Taken spell periodic (damage or healing, depending on hit type)
- Taken any damage
- On gameobject activation
- Successful main-hand spell & melee attacks
- Successful off-hand spell & melee attacks
- Died in any way
- On jump
- On enter combat
- On encounter start
Proc Chance100%
Attributes1 unknown attribute
See also (1)