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Throw Rock [#36645]
Throw Rock 
    5 - 30 yd range
2 sec cast   
Hurls a rock at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage.

Spell details
Range5-30 yards (Monster Shoot Range)SchoolPhysical
Cast Time2 sec castMechanicn/a
Cooldownn/aDispel Typen/a
Chargesn/aMax Targetsn/a
GCDn/aGCD Categoryn/a
Damage ClassRanged
Effect #0School damage
Value: 0
Damage School: Physical
Targets: Enemy
Attributes - [Client-Side] Show "ability" instead of "spell"
- Not usable while shapeshifted/polymorphed
- Damage depends on caster's level
- [Client-Side] Force facing target
Used by (11)Used by (1)See also (40)
Sunfury Geologist25 - 30A HHumanoidNetherstorm2.0.1 60
Shatterspear Laborer5 - 30A HHumanoidDarkshore4.0.1 83
Twilight Worker5 - 30A HHumanoidDarkshore4.0.3 28
Raging Earth Elemental10 - 30A HElementalStonetalon Mountains4.0.3 27
Irestone Rumbler1 - 60A HElemental 4.0.3 0
Temperamental Rumbler30 - 35A HElementalDeepholm4.0.1 29
Twilight Ettin
<Bloodeye Clan>
30 - 35A HGiantTwilight Highlands4.0.3 56
Blindeye the Guardian30 - 35A HGiantTwilight Highlands4.0.1 3
Frostshard Rumbler15 - 30A HElementalWinterspring4.0.3 19
Element of Patience35A HElementalDeepholm4.2.0 34
Earthbound Servant30 - 50A HElementalStormsong Valley 48