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Vast Apothecarial Knowledge [#148656]
Vast Apothecarial Knowledge 
    100 yd range
Instant cast   
The caster takes on the mantle of Poisoned-Mind, receiving all powers inherent to the title.
Quick Facts
  • Added in 5.4.0

Vast Apothecarial Knowledge 
All those flasks.. you bet you can make better ones. Right mouse-click to remove this effect.

1 hour remaining
Spell details
Costn/aDuration1 hour
Range100 yards (Vision)SchoolPhysical
Cast TimeInstant castMechanicn/a
Cooldownn/aDispel Typen/a
Chargesn/aMax Targetsn/a
GCDn/aGCD Categoryn/a
Damage Classn/a
Effect #0Apply Aura: Dummy aura (server-side)
Value: 354
Targets: Any
Effect #1Apply Aura: Mod Size %
Value: 25%
Targets: Any
Attributes - [Client-Side] Hide from combat log
- Can be cast on dead targets
- Can target out-of-LoS targets
- Persists through death
- Can target untargetable targets

and 3 other unknown attributes
Criteria of (1)Criteria of tree (1)See also (1)
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