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Water Shield [#105409]
Water Shield 
    30 yd range
2 sec cast   
Hagara is protected by a bubble of water, making her immune to normal attacks.
Quick Facts
  • Added in 4.3.0

Water Shield 
Immune to normal attacks.

5 minutes remaining
Spell details
Costn/aDuration5 minutes
Range30 yards (Medium)SchoolNature
Cast Time2 sec castMechanicn/a
Cooldownn/aDispel Typen/a
Chargesn/aMax Targetsn/a
GCDn/aGCD Categoryn/a
Damage ClassMagic
Effect #0Apply Aura: Spell School Immunity
Value: 109555
Value: 109556 on 10h
Value: 109556 on 25h
Affected Spell Schools: Physical, Holy, Fire, Nature, Frost, Shadow, Arcane
Targets: Caster
Effect #1Apply Aura: SPELL_AURA_LINKED

Targets: Caster
Effect #2Apply Aura: Periodically Trigger Spell
Interval: 2 seconds

Targets: Caster
Attributes - Channeled target
- Channeled self
See also (19)