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Lumberjack's Axe [#258430]
Lumberjack's Axe 
    Melee range
Instant cast   
Allows for the harvesting of timber throughout the battlefield.

Lumberjack's Axe 
Allows for the harvesting of timber throughout the battlefield.

24 days, 20 hours, 31 minutes, 23 seconds remaining
Spell details
Costn/aDuration24 days, 20 hours, 31 minutes, 23 seconds
Range5 yards (Interact)SchoolPhysical
Cast TimeInstant castMechanicn/a
Cooldownn/aDispel Typen/a
Chargesn/aMax Targetsn/a
GCDn/aGCD Categoryn/a
Damage Classn/a
Effect #0Apply Aura: Dummy aura (server-side)
Value: 0
Targets: Caster
Attributes - [Client-Side] Hide from combat log
- Unaffected by invulnerability
- Always hit
- Persists through death
- Reactivate at resurrect
Only usable in - Arathi Highlands
- Arathi Highlands
Triggered by (1)Used by (1)See also (3)