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Tol Barad
Quick Facts
Tol Barad is a world PvP zone very similar to Wintergrasp. A battle starts on even intervals of time, and the winner of the match gains access to the Baradin Hold raid, as well as a number of special daily quests that grant reputation and currency. In addition to this, both winner and loser gain access to the standard quests in the zone.

Showing NPCs: 332 (show objects instead)

Creatures (31)Quests (26)Fishing (9)Zone spells (21)Meeting stones (1)
Subzones (11)Graveyards (7)See also (1)
Tower Range Finder30 - 35A HServer triggerTol Barad4.0.3 1
Tower Cannon Target30 - 35A HServer triggerTol Barad4.0.3 5
Captive Spirit35A HUndeadTol Barad4.0.3 37
Cellblock Ooze35A HElementalTol Barad4.0.3 16
Archmage Galus35A HElementalTol Barad4.0.3 1
Shivarra Destroyer30 - 35A HDemonTol Barad4.0.3 1
Cell Watcher30 - 35A HDemonTol Barad4.0.3 1
Svarnos35A HBeastTol Barad4.0.3 1
Jailed Wrathguard30 - 35A HDemonTol Barad4.0.3 1
Imprisoned Imp30 - 35A HDemonTol Barad4.0.3 28
Imprisoned Worker35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 20
Exiled Mage35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 55
Warden Guard35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 2
Ghastly Convict35A HUndeadTol Barad4.0.3 6
Baradin Crocolisk30 - 35A HBeastTol Barad4.0.3 36
Problim30 - 35A HGiantTol Barad4.0.1 3
Alliance Hunter Infantry35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 4
Alliance Mage Infantry35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 2
Alliance Warrior Infantry35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 5
Alliance Paladin Infantry35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 5
Horde Druid Infantry35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 23
Horde Mage Infantry35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 20
Horde Rogue Infantry35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 19
Horde Shaman Infantry35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 31
Warden Silva35A HUndeadTol Barad4.0.3 1
Commander Stevens
<Baradin's Wardens>
35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 1
2nd Lieutenant Wansworth
<Baradin's Wardens>
35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 1
Sergeant Parker
<Baradin's Wardens>
30 - 35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 1
Marshal Fallows
<Baradin's Wardens>
30 - 35A HHumanoidTol Barad4.0.3 1
Baradin Fox Kit1A HCritterTol Barad4.0.3 3
Elementium Geode30 - 35A HBattle PetTol Barad Peninsula4.0.3 5