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Vision of Stormwind
Quick Facts
  • Type: Scenario
  • Territory: Contested
  • Location
  • Map ID: 2213

Showing NPCs: 556 (show objects instead)

Creatures (122)Zone spells (205)
Danger Ahead30 - 35A HTotem Vision of Stormwind5.4.0 3
Tenebrous Gateway50A HUnspecified Vision of Orgrimmar 4
High Exarch Turalyon50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Aldwin Laughlin
<Guild Master>
50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Rebecca Laughlin
<Tabard Designer>
50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Kyra Boucher
50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Frederick Stover
<Bow Merchant>
50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Jelinek Sharpshear
50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Captain Lancy Revshon
<Stormwind Quartermaster>
50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Lara Moore
<Leather Armor Merchant>
50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Void Globule50A HAberration Vision of Orgrimmar 28
Crawling Corruption50A HAberration Vision of Orgrimmar 27
Alleria Windrunner50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Fallen Voidspeaker50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 6
Alx'kov the Infested50A HAberration Vision of Stormwind 1
Boundless Corruption50A HAberration Vision of Stormwind 1
Faceless Willbreaker50A HAberration Vision of Orgrimmar 9
Faceless Shadowcaller50A HAberration Vision of Orgrimmar 4
Arator the Redeemer50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Lightforged Warpriest50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 2
Lightforged Bulwark50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 4
Greater Void Elemental50A HElemental Vision of Orgrimmar 5
Slavemaster Ul'rok50A HAberration Vision of Stormwind 1
Enthralled Footman50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 8
Eye of N'Zoth50A HUnspecified Vision of Orgrimmar 14
Image of Wrathion50A HUnspecified Vision of Orgrimmar 2
Burrowing Appendage50A HAberration Vision of Orgrimmar 10
Generic Bunny50A HUnspecified Vision of Orgrimmar 2
Generic Bunny50A HUnspecified Vision of Orgrimmar 30
Kelsey Steelspark
<Gnomeregan Covert Ops>
50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Therum Deepforge50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Invisible Stalker50A HUnspecified Vision of Stormwind 8
Enthralled Weaponsmith50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 5
Enthralled Laborer50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 17
SI:7 Light-Hunter50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 16
SI:7 Informant50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 9
<Drink Deliverer>
50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Valeera Sanguinar50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Armsmaster Terenson50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Thomas Westmill
50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Cultist Slavedriver50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 3
Void Portal50A HUnspecified Vision of Stormwind 1
Agustus Moulaine50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Theresa Moulaine50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Stormwind Orphan50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 3
Stormwind Orphan50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 2
Orphan Matron Nightingale50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Anastasia50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Pepper50A HBeast Vision of Stormwind 1
Ebon Gryphon50A HBeast Vision of Stormwind 1
Snowy Gryphon50A HBeast Vision of Stormwind 1
Stormwind Citizen50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 6
Lilliam Sparkspindle50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Billibub Cogspinner50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Sprite Jumpsprocket50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
SI:7 Enforcer50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
SI:7 Agent50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Halford Wyrmbane
<7th Legion High Commander>
50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Drowned Defias50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 5
Magister Umbric50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Rat50A HCritter Vision of Stormwind 118
Tiddles50A HCritter Vision of Stormwind 1
Rat50A HUnspecified Vision of Stormwind 1
Stormwind Guard50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 10
Lisbeth Schneider50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Fallen Heartpiercer50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 6
Inquisitor Darkspeak50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Fallen Riftwalker50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 2
Overlord Mathias Shaw50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Forge-Guard Hurrul50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Haywire Clockwork Rocket Bot50A HMechanical Vision of Stormwind 1
Craggle Wobbletop
<Toys and Novelties>
50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Tinkered Shieldbot50A HMechanical Vision of Stormwind 1
Reprogrammed Warbot50A HMechanical Vision of Stormwind 1
Zardeth of the Black Claw50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Roberto Pupellyverbos
<Sanguine Connoisseur>
50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Fallen Taskmaster50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 4
Mindtwist Tendril50A HAberration Vision of Stormwind 6
Corruption Tumor50A HAberration Vision of Stormwind 32
Dead Civilian50A HHumanoid Vision of Orgrimmar 9
Cultist Tormenter50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 5
Broken Citizen50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 7
Invisible Stalker50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 2
Portal Master50A HAberration Vision of Stormwind 2
Portal Keeper50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 2
Void Portal50A HElemental Vision of Stormwind 5
"Target Dummy"50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
"Target Dummy"50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
"Target Dummy"50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Cultist Shadowblade50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 6
Cultist Executioner50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 4
Resistance Fighter50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 22
Crawling Corruption50A HAberration Vision of Stormwind 11
Sewer Beastling50A HBeast Vision of Stormwind 1
Rotten Apple50A HMechanical Vision of Stormwind 11
Stormwind Orphan50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Stormwind Orphan50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Angry Bear Rug Spirit50A HBeast Vision of Stormwind 1
Angry Treant Chair Spirit50A HElemental Vision of Stormwind 3
Angry Ale Barrel Spirit50A HElemental Vision of Stormwind 2
Angry Book Spirit50A HElemental Vision of Stormwind 2
Bell50A HUnspecified Vision of Stormwind 1
Thulman Flintcrag
<Gun Vendor>
50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Image of Alleria50A HUnspecified Vision of Stormwind 1
Image of Kelsey50A HUnspecified Vision of Stormwind 1
Image of Wyrmbane50A HUnspecified Vision of Stormwind 1
Image of Valeera50A HUnspecified Vision of Stormwind 1
Image of Umbric50A HUnspecified Vision of Stormwind 1
Rotten Apple50A HMechanical Vision of Stormwind 14
Gun50A HMechanical Vision of Stormwind 5
Altar of the Dark Imagination50A HUnspecified Vision of Orgrimmar 2
Altar of the Burned Bridge50A HUnspecified Vision of Orgrimmar 2
Altar of the Daredevil50A HUnspecified Vision of Orgrimmar 2
Altar of the Long Night50A HUnspecified Vision of Orgrimmar 2
Altar of the Pained50A HUnspecified Vision of Orgrimmar 2
Neglected Guild Bank50A HAberration Vision of Stormwind 1
Tamper-Proof Teleportation Mine50A HMechanical Vision of Stormwind 47
Experimental Buff Mine50A HMechanical Vision of Stormwind 1
Morgan Pestle50A HHumanoid Vision of Stormwind 1
Zarhaal50A HUnspecified Vision of Orgrimmar 2
Portal50A HTotem Vision of Stormwind 1
Timekeeper50A HMechanical Vision of Orgrimmar 2