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The Necrotic Wake
Quick Facts
  • Type: Dungeon
  • Territory: Contested
  • Location
  • Map ID: 2286
In an unthinkable act of treachery, forces from Maldraxxus, the realm charged with defending the Shadowlands, have invaded the Temple of Courage. They have pillaged anima and taken slaughtered kyrian to fuel their dark practices. If left unchecked, the necrotic forces of the necropolis Zolramas will pillage Bastion leaving destruction in their wake.

Showing objects: 0 (show NPCs instead)

Dungeon Journal (1)Encounters (2)Quests (1)Meeting stones (1)Subzones (4)
See also (1)
In an unthinkable act of treachery, forces from Maldraxxus, the realm charged with defending the Shadowlands, have invaded the Temple of Courage. They have pillaged anima and taken slaughtered kyrian to fuel their dark practices. If left unchecked, the necrotic forces of the necropolis Zolramas will pillage Bastion leaving destruction in their wake.