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The Dread Chain
Quick Facts
  • Type: Scenario
  • Territory: Contested
  • Location
  • Map ID: 1893

Showing NPCs: 272 (show objects instead)

Creatures (52)Zone spells (158)
Islands10 - 50A HUnspecified Jorundall6.0.1 11
Breakbeak Vulture10 - 50A HBeast The Dread Chain 1
Vicejaw Crocolisk10 - 50A HBeast Jorundall 21
Vicejaw Chomper10 - 50A HBeast The Rotting Mire 5
Vicejaw Sawtooth10 - 50A HBeast Jorundall 9
Frostscale Hydra10 - 50A HBeast Crestfall 14
Craghorn Yeti10 - 50A HHumanoid The Dread Chain 1
Mudsnout Piglet10 - 50A HBeast Whispering Reef 54
Air Elemental10 - 50A HElemental The Dread Chain 3
Island Ettin10 - 50A HGiant Snowblossom Village 2
Zephyr10 - 50A HElemental The Dread Chain 4
Living Tornado10 - 50A HElemental The Dread Chain 2
Sand Stinger10 - 50A HCritter Jorundall 48
Mire Whelk10 - 50A HCritter Jorundall 93
Sand Mouse10 - 50A HCritter Jorundall 50
Icy Fragment10 - 50A HCritter The Dread Chain 16
Arctic Fox10 - 50A HCritter The Dread Chain 19
Beach Scuttler10 - 50A HCritter Jorundall 59
Skittish Squirrel10 - 50A HCritter Jorundall 53
Woodlands Recluse10 - 50A HCritter Jorundall 64
Crimsonwood Kit10 - 50A HCritter Jorundall 55
Kvaldir Dreadbringer10 - 50A HUndead The Dread Chain 9
Kvaldir Reaver10 - 50A HUndead The Dread Chain 4
Kvaldir Berserker10 - 50A HUndead The Dread Chain 16
Kvaldir Cursewalker10 - 50A HUndeadHillsbrad Foothills 8
Kvaldir Soulflayer10 - 50A HUndeadHillsbrad Foothills 7
Kvaldir Mistcaller10 - 50A HUndead The Dread Chain 22
Vulf Stormshore10 - 50A HUndead The Dread Chain 1
Tide-Cursed Mistress10 - 50A HUndead The Dread Chain 1
Risen Hound10 - 50A HUndead The Dread Chain 19
Mist Hound10 - 50A HUndead Crestfall 7
Mudsnout Thornback10 - 50A HBeast Whispering Reef 5
Mudsnout Gorer10 - 50A HBeast Whispering Reef 7
Mudsnout Boar10 - 50A HBeast The Dread Chain 5
Rotclaw Cub10 - 50A HBeast The Dread Chain 1
Rotclaw Bear10 - 50A HBeast The Dread Chain 3
Rotclaw Patriarch10 - 50A HBeast The Dread Chain 1
Ferocious Craghorn10 - 50A HHumanoid The Dread Chain 1
Craghorn Behemoth10 - 50A HHumanoid The Dread Chain 1
Hulking Frostbeard10 - 50A HHumanoid The Dread Chain 5
Frostbeard Howler10 - 50A HHumanoid The Dread Chain 1
Frostbeard Wendigo10 - 50A HHumanoid Molten Cay 26
Breakbeak Bonepicker10 - 50A HBeast Jorundall 7
Breakbeak Hatchling10 - 50A HBeast The Dread Chain 6
Scartalon10 - 50A HBeast Verdant Wilds 2
Driftstalker10 - 50A HBeast Jorundall 2
Mischievous Flood10 - 50A HElemental The Rotting Mire 13
Ebb10 - 50A HElemental The Dread Chain 1
Acidic Worm10 - 50A HBeast Verdant Wilds 6
Acidic Burrower10 - 50A HBeast Verdant Wilds 5
Fleshmelter the Insatiable10 - 50A HBeast The Dread Chain 1
Orca10 - 50A HBeast The Dread Chain 1