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Quick Facts
  • Completed by: 3496 players @ Felsong
  • Last completion: 3 years ago
  • Side: Alliance
  • Points: 10
  • Category: Seething Shore
  • Main category: Player vs. Player
Blood and Sand
Slay 50 enemies near an Azerite deposit.

Criteria (any required)
     » Shipwreck (Slay 50 enemies near a Rich Azerite deposit.)
     » Waterfall (Slay 50 enemies near a Rich Azerite deposit.)
     » Crash Site (Slay 50 enemies near a Rich Azerite deposit.)
     » Overlook (Slay 50 enemies near a Rich Azerite deposit.)
     » Tar Pits (Slay 50 enemies near a Rich Azerite deposit.)
     » Ruins (Slay 50 enemies near a Rich Azerite deposit.)
     » Tower (Slay 50 enemies near a Rich Azerite deposit.)
     » Plunge (Slay 50 enemies near a Rich Azerite deposit.)
     » Tide Pools (Slay 50 enemies near a Rich Azerite deposit.)
     » Bonfire (Slay 50 enemies near a Rich Azerite deposit.)
     » Ridge (Slay 50 enemies near a Rich Azerite deposit.)
     » Temple (Slay 50 enemies near a Rich Azerite deposit.)

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Master of Seething Shore
Complete the Seething Shore achievements listed below.
Seething Shore
(Player vs. Player)