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Quick Facts
  • Completed by: 507 players @ Felsong
  • Last completion: 3 years ago
  • Side: Alliance
  • Points: 10
  • Category: Cataclysm Dungeon
  • Main category: Dungeons & Raids
  • Map: Zul'Gurub
Ohganot So Fast!
Defeat Bloodlord Mandokir in Zul'Gurub on Heroic Difficulty without killing Ohgan.

Criteria (all required)
     » Bloodlord Mandokir

Category (62)Same map (6)
Acrocalypse Now
Defeat 20 Frenzied Crocolisks within 10 seconds during the Lockmaw encounter in the Lost City of the Tol'...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Arrested Development
Allow all three of Corla's zealots to evolve, then defeat Corla after slaying the evolved zealots in Blac...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Ascendant Descending
Defeat Ascendant Lord Obsidius without any party member reaching 4 stacks of Crepuscular Veil in Blackroc...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Bear-ly Made It
Save all four prisoners before they are sacrificed in Zul'Aman on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Blackrock Caverns
Defeat Ascendant Lord Obsidius in Blackrock Caverns.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Bullet Time
Defeat 12 Bloodthirsty Ghouls with Pistol Barrage and then defeat Lord Godfrey in Shadowfang Keep on Hero...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Crushing Bones and Cracking Skulls
Defeat Rom'ogg Bonecrusher after using his Skullcracker ability to kill 10 Angered Earth elementals in Bl...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Don't Need to Break Eggs to Make an Omelet
Defeat Erudax without letting a Faceless Corruptor begin to cast Twilight Corruption on any of Alexstrasz...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Kill 10 Twilight Sparks and then defeat Archbishop Benedictus in Hour of Twilight on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Extra Credit Bonus Stage
Collect 5 Golden Orbs in a single visit to the Vortex Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Faster Than the Speed of Light
Complete the Vault of Lights within 5 minutes of entering in the Halls of Origination on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Grim Batol
Defeat Erudax in Grim Batol.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Gurubashi Headhunter
Defeat Gub, Mortaxx, Kaulema, Mor'Lek, the Florawing Hive Queen, a Lost Offspring of Gahz'ranka, Tor-Tun,...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Halls of Origination
Defeat Rajh in Halls of Origination.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Headed South
Defeat Siamat, Lord of the South Wind, with 3 stacks of Lightning Charge in Lost City of the Tol'vir on H...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Here, Kitty Kitty...
Defeat High Priestess Kilnara in Heroic Difficulty after having fed Temple Rats to 4 of Bethekk's Pride.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Heroic: Blackrock Caverns
Defeat Ascendant Lord Obsidius in Blackrock Caverns on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Heroic: Deadmines
Defeat Vanessa VanCleef in Deadmines on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Heroic: End Time
Defeat Murozond in End Time on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Heroic: Grim Batol
Defeat Erudax in Grim Batol on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Heroic: Halls of Origination
Defeat Rajh in Halls of Origination on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Heroic: Hour of Twilight
Defeat Archbishop Benedictus in Hour of Twilight on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Heroic: Lost City of the Tol'vir
Defeat Siamat, Lord of the South Wind in the Lost City of the Tol'vir on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Heroic: Shadowfang Keep
Defeat Lord Godfrey in Shadowfang Keep on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Heroic: The Stonecore
Defeat High Priestess Azil in the Stonecore on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Heroic: The Vortex Pinnacle
Defeat Asaad in the Vortex Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Heroic: Throne of the Tides
Defeat Ozumat in Throne of the Tides on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Heroic: Well of Eternity
Defeat Mannoroth in Well of Eternity on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Heroic: Zul'Aman
Defeat Daakara in Zul'Aman on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Heroic: Zul'Gurub
Defeat Jin'do the Godbreaker in Zul'Gurub on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Hex Mix
Un-hex all of the potential hex victims in Zul'Aman on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
I Hate That Song
Defeat Temple Guardian Anhuur without allowing him to sing Reverberating Hymn for more than 15 seconds in...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
I'm on a Diet
Do not gain more than one stack of Nauseated during the Cookie encounter in Deadmines on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
It's Frost Damage
Allow three Freezing Vapors to cast Coalesce during the Admiral Ripsnarl encounter in Deadmines on Heroic...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
It's Not Easy Being Green
Do not get hit by Bloodvenom, Pool of Acrid Tears, or Venomous Effusion in the High Priest Venoxis encoun...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Kill It With Fire!
Defeat 3 Burning Souls during the High Prophet Barim encounter in Lost City of the Tol'vir on Heroic Diff...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Lazy Eye
Defeat Peroth'arn in Well of Eternity on Heroic Difficulty without any party member being detected by an ...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Lost City of the Tol'vir
Defeat Siamat, Lord of the South Wind in the Lost City of the Tol'vir.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Moon Guard
Engage the Echo of Tyrande in End Time on Heroic Difficulty after surviving her Shadow Gauntlet without a...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
No Static at All
Completely avoid the Static Cling effect during the Asaad encounter in the Vortex Pinnacle on Heroic Diff...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Ohganot So Fast!
Defeat Bloodlord Mandokir in Zul'Gurub on Heroic Difficulty without killing Ohgan.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Old Faithful
Get Lady Naz'jar to kill one of her minions with her Geyser ability in Throne of the Tides on Heroic Diff...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Pardon Denied
Defeat Baron Ashbury without letting him heal with Stay of Execution in Shadowfang Keep on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Prince of Tides
Defeat an Unyielding Behemoth while you have the Tidal Surge effect during the Ozumat encounter in Throne...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Prototype Prodigy
Keep the Prototype Reaper from falling below 90% health at any time before the Foe Reaper 5000 is defeate...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Rat Pack
Kill 20 Mine Rats during the Helix Gearbreaker encounter in Deadmines on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Ready for Raiding
Do not get hit by Fire Wall in the Glubtok encounter in Deadmines on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Ring Out!
Defeat Daakara in Zul'Aman on Heroic Difficulty without any player leaving the rectangular turquoise ston...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Rotten to the Core
Defeat 60 Disciples within 10 seconds during the High Priestess Azil encounter in the Stonecore on Heroic...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Severed Ties
Defeat two Risen Ghouls during Echo of Sylvanas' Calling of the Highborne phase, then defeat the Echo of ...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Spirit Twister
Defeat 20 Twisted Spirits within 15 seconds during the Jin'do encounter in Zul'Gurub on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Straw That Broke the Camel's Back
Defeat Earthrager Ptah while mounted on a camel in the Halls of Origination on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Sun of a....
Defeat Rajh before he completes an entire recharging phase in the Halls of Origination on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
That's Not Canon!
Defeat Mannoroth in Well of Eternity on Heroic Difficulty after dealing enough damage to Mannoroth while ...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
The Stonecore
Defeat High Priestess Azil in the Stonecore.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
The Vortex Pinnacle
Defeat Asaad in the Vortex Pinnacle.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Throne of the Tides
Defeat Ozumat in Throne of the Tides.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
To the Ground!
Defeat Commander Springvale without allowing him to receive Unholy Empowerment in Shadowfang Keep on Hero...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Too Hot to Handle
Defeat Karsh Steelbender after he has reached 15 stacks of Superheated Quicksilver Armor in Blackrock Cav...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Tunnel Vision
Defeat Halazzi in Zul'Aman on Heroic Difficulty without killing any of his totems.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Umbrage for Umbriss
Defeat General Umbriss while he is affected with Modgud's Malice in Grim Batol on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)
Vigorous VanCleef Vindicator
Engage Vanessa VanCleef within 5 minutes of being inflicted with the Nightmare Elixir in Deadmines on Her...
Cataclysm Dungeon
(Dungeons & Raids)