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Currencies (170)
7th LegionGrants reputation with the 7th Legion.
7th Legion Service MedalA badge of merit for action taken on the battlefields of Kul Tiras, Za...
Account Wide HonorGranted from slaying enemies of your faction
Adventure Campaign ProgressThis challenge leads to additional adventures with greater rewards.
Alexandros MograineA happy party with Alexandros Mograine increases his friendhip with yo...
Alliance Qiraji CommendationCompleting this quest will grant the Alliance credit in the Call of th...
Ancient ManaConcentrated magic from the ancient leylines beneath Suramar.
AnkoanGrants reputation with the Ankoan.
Apexis CrystalThe enduring legacy of a lost civilization, Apexis crystals contain un...
Archivists' CodexGrants progress with the Archivists' Codex.
Argent CommendationCommendation from the Argent Crusade in northern Icecrown for actions ...
Argus WaystoneUsed by the minions of Sargeras to force open portals from Argus to ot...
Armor ScrapsGathered from enemy troops and vehicles throughout the warfront. Used ...
Artifact FragmentA tiny fragment of an Ashran lost artifact, treasured by the Highmaul ...
Artifact KnowledgeIncreases the rate at which you earn Artifact Power.
AscendedGrants reputation with the Ascended.
Atonement AnimaUse 1813
AzeriteThe blood of Azeroth crystalizes into chunks of Azerite, an extremely ...
Azerite OreGathered across the Island. Used to construct outpost buildings.
Baroness VashjA happy party with Baroness Vashj increases her friendhip with you.
Black Iron FragmentScavenged from the shattered armor and weapons of Iron Horde invaders.
Bloody CoinPulled from the steaming corpses of foes vanquished in the mists of th...
Bonus ValorReceive Bonus Valor when any player in your group increases their Myth...
Brawler's GoldAwarded to victors of the Brawler's Guild. Use it to purchase Rumble C...
Cataloged ResearchAs you bring the Archivist relics he will catalog it which will allow ...
Champion's SealAwarded for valiant acts in the Crusader's Coliseum.
Champions of AzerothGrants reputation with the Champions of Azeroth.
Channeled AnimaAnima to be spent in the anima diverter to create a permenant stream.
ChoofaA happy party with Choofa increases his friendhip with you.
Coalescing VisionsWrathion can manipulate these visions into a vessel that will allow yo...
Coins of AirEvaporate into mist after a while.
ConquestEarned from Rated PvP activites. Spend to acquire equipment in Oribos.
Corrupted MementosFragments of memory from Horrific Visions of N'Zoth which can be analy...
Cosmic FluxSwirling fragments of creation energy that enable transformation, Cosm...
Court of HarvestersGrants reputation with the Court of Harvesters.
Court of NightGrants reputation with the Court of Night.
Cryptkeeper KassirA happy party with Cryptkeeper Kassir increases his friendhip with you...
Curious CoinThis unusual coin is warm to the touch and vibrates gently in your han...
Cyphers of the First Ones|L290-Echoes of the power used to forge reality itself. Can be deciphe...
Dalaran Jewelcrafter's TokenTiffany Cartier's shop in Dalaran will gladly accept these tokens for ...
Darkmoon Prize TicketAwarded for winning games or doing favors at the Darkmoon Faire.
Death's AdvanceGrants reputation with the Death's Advance.
DeathsDummy currency for Torghast UI
Dingy Iron CoinsPerhaps they're more valuable than they appear on the surface.
Droman AliotheA happy party with Droman Aliothe increases her friendhip with you.
Echoes of BattleUsed to purchase powerful PvP armor. At the end of the season, this cu...
Echoes of DominationUsed to purchase elite PvP armor. At the end of the season, this curre...
Echoes of Ny'alothaScoured of N'Zoth's corruption, MOTHER can use this substance to synth...
Elder Charm of Good FortunePossession of the Elder Charm of Good Fortune allows its lucky owner t...
Enemy DamageDummy currency for Torghast UI
Enemy HealthDummy currency for Torghast UI
Epicurean's AwardVisit special cooking vendors in capital cities and Northrend Dalaran ...
Essence of Corrupted DeathwingExtracted from Deathwing himself, this dark energy powers the most fea...
Essence of StormsExtremely rare, found while killing enemies in the warfront. Used to g...
Fake Anima for Quest TrackingUse 1813 for anything real
FelessenceConcentrated demonic essence which can be captured and used to create ...
Garrison ResourcesEarn resources to build-up and expand your garrison.
Grandmaster VoleA happy party with Grandmaster Vole increases his friendhip with you.
Grateful OfferingA gift from the denizens of the Shadowlands, grateful for the return o...
Honeyback HiveGrants reputation with the Honeyback Hive.
HonorUsed to purchase Unrated PvP equipment in Oribos, and to upgrade Rated...
Honor LevelGranted from slaying many enemies of your faction
HonorboundGrants reputation with the Honorbound.
Honorbound Service MedalA badge of merit for action taken on the battlefields of Kul Tiras, Za...
Horde Qiraji CommendationCompleting this quest will grant the Horde credit in the Call of the S...
Hunt-Captain KoraynA happy party with Hunt-Captain Korayn increases his friendhip with yo...
Illustrious Jewelcrafter's TokenAwarded for demonstrating great skill in jewelcrafting, these tokens c...
Infused RubyUsed to power shrines and devices that run on anima in Revendreth. Wit...
Invisible RewardThis currency exists to let empty Cover Items work.
IronGathered throughout the warfront. Used to construct buildings and incr...
Ironpaw TokenRepresents your credit with the Ironpaw family of cooks. Can be redeem...
Justice PointsUsed to purchase less-powerful armor and weapons.
Kleia and PelegosA happy party with Kleia and Pelagos increases their friendhip with yo...
Lady MoonberryA happy party with Lady Moonberry increases her friendhip with you.
Legionfall War SuppliesUsed to further the construction of valuable structures on the Broken ...
Lesser Charm of Good FortunePossession of the Lesser Charms of Good Fortune will result in great h...
Lingering Soul FragmentSoul fragment once belonging to a powerful enemy.
Linked Currency Test (Dst) - PTHA test destination currency for the new linked currency feature.
Linked Currency Test (Src) - PTHA test source currency for the new linked currency feature.
LumberGathered across the Island. Used to construct outpost buildings.
MarasmiusGrants reputation with Marasmius.
Mark of the World TreeGranted by the Guardians of Hyjal. Can be used to purchase reinforceme...
Medallion of ServiceA mark of service to Bastion. Used in Ascension Crafting.
MikanikosA happy party with Mikanikos increases his friendhip with you.
Mogu Rune of FatePossession of the Mogu Rune of Fate allows its lucky owner to risk a r...
Mote of DarknessExtracted from the forces of Deathwing, this dark energy can be used t...
Nazjatar Ally - Bladesman InowariGrants combat experience for Bladesman Inowari.
Nazjatar Ally - Farseer OriGrants combat experience for Farseer Ori.
Nazjatar Ally - Hunter AkanaGrants combat experience for Hunter Akana.
Nazjatar Ally - Neri SharpfinGrants combat experience for Neri Sharpfin.
Nazjatar Ally - Poen GillbrackGrants combat experience for Poen Gillbrack.
Nazjatar Ally - Vim BrineheartGrants combat experience for Vim Brineheart.
NethershardA fragment of crystallized nether brought to Azeroth by the Legion.
OilFound primarily in Tanaan Jungle, Oil is used to fuel naval missions.
Order of EmbersGrants reputation with the Order of Embers.
Order ResourcesUsed to recruit troops, run missions, and research upgrades for your o...
PhantasmaThis extinguished strand of anima can be used to gain power within Tor...
Plague Deviser MarilethA happy party with Plague Deviser Marileth increases his friendhip wit...
Polemarch AdrestesA happy party with Polemarch Adrestes increases his friendhip with you...
Prismatic ManapearlA glistening sphere of arcane energy found around Nazjatar. These can ...
Progenitor ShardTEST
Proudmoore AdmiraltyGrants reputation with Proudmoore Admiralty.
RajaniGrants reputation with the Rajani.
Redeemed SoulAn exceptional soul that wishes to contribute to empowering your Coven...
Rendle and CudgelfaceA happy party with Rendle and Cudgelface increases their friendhip wit...
RenownIt's Renown
Renown-KyrianIt's Renown
Renown-NecrolordIt's Renown
Renown-NightFaeIt's Renown
Renown-VenthyrIt's Renown
Reservoir AnimaA measure of the anima your covenant has at its disposal.
Rich Azerite FragmentA fragment of rich Azerite. Turn-in to a nearby War Master for rewards...
Rustbolt ResistanceGrants reputation with the Rustbolt Resistance.
Rustbolt Resistance (Hidden)Grants reputation with the Rustbolt Resistance.
Seafarer's DubloonCurrency used by the many varied tribes of the Great Sea. Used to proc...
Seal of Broken FateTwists fate to provide an opportunity for additional treasure from Leg...
Seal of Inevitable FateTwists fate to provide an opportunity for additional treasure in Hellf...
Seal of Tempered FateTwists fate to provide an opportunity for additional treasure in Highm...
Seal of Wartorn FateTwists fate to provide an opportunity for additional treasure from Bat...
Secret of Draenor AlchemyAllows you to obtain new Alchemy recipes from the Alchemist's Lab.
Secret of Draenor BlacksmithingAllows you to obtain new Blacksmithing recipes.
Secret of Draenor JewelcraftingAllows you to obtain new Jewelcrafting recipes.
Secret of Draenor LeatherworkingAllows you to obtain Leatherworking recipes from the Tannery.
Secret of Draenor TailoringAllows you to obtain Tailoring recipes from the Tailoring Emporium.
Shadowlands PvP Weekly Reward ProgressAcquire this currency to attain rewards from the weekly chest in Oribo...
Shadowy CoinsPrized by pickpockets and marks alike. Can be spent in the Underbelly ...
Sightless EyeA rough, hand-minted coin. It bears a symbol similar to that of the Ki...
SikaA happy party with Sika increases her friendhip with you.
Sinstone FragmentsArchivist Fane can use these to recreate Inquisitor Sinstones, which w...
Soul AshA raw source of power found within Torghast. Used to fuel the Runecarv...
Soul CindersA raw source of power found within only the most dangerous layers of T...
Soulbind Conduit EnergySoulbind Conduit Energy
Spirit ShardThe shard pulses with energy.
StitchmastersGrants reputation with the Stitchmasters.
StoneheadA happy party with Stonehead increases his friendhip with you.
Storm's WakeGrants reputation with Storm's Wake.
Stronghold SuppliesUsed to build structures and perform research upgrades within a Warfro...
StygiaThe byproduct of the violent destruction of a Soul within the Maw.
Stygian EmberOnce a brave warrior, now reduced to a sliver of undeath. Bonesmith...
Talanji's ExpeditionGrants reputation with Talanji's Expedition.
The AvowedGrants reputation with the Avowed.
The CountessA happy party with The Countess increases her friendhip with you.
The Ember CourtIncreases the reputation of the The Ember Court.
The EnlightenedGrants reputation with The Enlightened.
Timeless CoinYou feel the shadowy fingers of previous and future owners of this coi...
Timewarped BadgeEarned in Timewalking dungeons. Exchanged for goods from Timewalking V...
Timeworn ArtifactA mysterious naga artifact from the depths of the Great Sea. King Mrgl...
Titan ResiduumUnpowered remnants of Azerite armor coveted by ethereal traders in Bor...
Tol Barad CommendationAwarded for brave deeds performed on Tol Barad.
Tortollan SeekersGrants reputation with the Tortollan Seekers.
Tower KnowledgeManifestation of knowledge gained in Torghast. Used to unlock the powe...
Trial of Style TokenEarned by participating in the Trial of Style. Can be exchanged for tr...
Uldum AccordGrants reputation with the Uldum Accord.
Undying ArmyGrants reputation with the Undying Army.
UnshackledGrants reputation with the Unshackled.
ValorA currency used to increase the power of items from Mythic dungeons.
Valor PointsUsed to purchase powerful PvE armor and weapons.
Ve'nariGrants reputation with Ve'nari.
Veiled ArguniteThis dull-colored crystal is highly valued by ethereal traders, especi...
VoldunaiGrants reputation with the Voldunai.
Wakening EssenceUsed by Arcanomancer Vridiel in Dalaran above the Broken Isles to crea...
War ResourcesUsed to recruit troops, run missions, and research upgrades for your w...
War SuppliesUsed to raise a force for the Battle of Stromgarde
Warforged SealPossession of the Warforged Seal allows its lucky owner to risk a seal...
Wild HuntGrants reputation with the Wild Hunt.
WoodGathered by harvesting trees and piles of wood throughout the warfront...
Writhing EssenceUsed to upgrade Legion Legendary items to item level 970.
Zandalari EmpireGrants reputation with the Zandalari Empire.
Zen Jewelcrafter's TokenAwarded for demonstrating great skill in jewelcrafting, these tokens c...
[DNT] Byron Test CurrencyA currency used to test currencies.