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Tushui Pandaren
Led by the stalwart Aysa Cloudsinger, the Tushui Pandaren believe in contemplation and reasoned action.

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Reward from killing (17)Criteria of (19)Criteria of tree (36)
Nethervine Inciter30A HDemon The Botanica2.2.0 8+15
Mechanar Driller30A HDemon The Mechanar2.2.0 7+15
Tempest-Forge Peacekeeper30A HMechanical The Botanica2.2.0 4+15
Tempest-Forge Patroller30A HMechanical The Mechanar2.2.0 6+15
Sunseeker Channeler30A HHumanoid The Botanica2.1.0 6+15
Sunseeker Gene-Splicer30A HHumanoid The Botanica2.1.0 3+15
Sunseeker Astromage30A HHumanoid The Mechanar2.0.1 6+15
Nethervine Trickster30A HDemon The Botanica2.2.0 3+15
Nethervine Reaper30A HDemon The Botanica2.2.0 4+15
Mutate Horror30A HBeast The Botanica2.2.0 6+15
Bloodfalcon30A HBeast The Botanica2.2.0 9+15
Bloodwarder Greenkeeper30A HHumanoid The Botanica2.0.1 8+15
Bloodwarder Mender30A HHumanoid The Botanica2.0.1 3+15
Bloodwarder Protector30A HHumanoid The Botanica2.0.1 17+15
Greater Frayer30A HElemental The Botanica2.2.0 7+15
Mechanar Tinkerer30A HDemon The Mechanar2.2.0 16+8
Frayer Wildling30A HElemental The Botanica2.2.0 31+3