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Quick Facts
  • Completed by: 1341 players @ Felsong
  • Last completion: 3 years ago
  • Side: Alliance
  • Points: 10
  • Category: Reputation
  • Account-wide
10 Exalted Reputations
Raise 10 reputations to Exalted.

Criteria (any required)
     » Hydraxian Waterlords (42000)
     » Shen'dralar (42000)
     » Zandalar Tribe (42000)
     » Guild (42000)
     » Magram Clan Centaur (42000)
     » Gelkis Clan Centaur (42000)
     » Wintersaber Trainers (42000)
     » Timbermaw Hold (42000)
     » Thorium Brotherhood (42000)
     » Ravenholdt (42000)
     » Darkmoon Faire (42000)
     » Cenarion Circle (42000)
     » Brood of Nozdormu (42000)
     » Bloodsail Buccaneers (42000)
     » Argent Dawn (42000)
     » Alterac Valley: (any required)
          » Frostwolf Clan (42000)
          » Stormpike Guard (42000)
     » Arathi Basin: (any required)
          » The League of Arathor (42000)
          » The Defilers (42000)
     » Warsong Gulch: (any required)
          » Silverwing Sentinels (42000)
          » Warsong Outriders (42000)
     » Booty Bay (42000)
     » Gadgetzan (42000)
     » Everlook (42000)
     » Ratchet (42000)
     » Top-Level Faction: (any required)
          » Alliance (42000)
          » Horde (42000)
     » Undercity/Darnassus: (any required)
          » Undercity (42000)
          » Darnassus (42000)
     » Stormwind/Orgrimmar: (any required)
          » Stormwind (42000)
          » Orgrimmar (42000)
     » Gnomeregan/Darkspear: (any required)
          » Gnomeregan (42000)
          » Darkspear Trolls (42000)
     » Ironforge/Thunder Bluff: (any required)
          » Ironforge (42000)
          » Thunder Bluff (42000)
     » Silvermoon/Exodar: (any required)
          » Exodar (42000)
          » Silvermoon City (42000)
     » Tranquillien (42000)
     » Hellfire Peninsula: (any required)
          » Thrallmar (42000)
          » Honor Hold (42000)
     » Ashtongue Deathsworn (42000)
     » Kurenai/Mag'har: (any required)
          » The Mag'har (42000)
          » Kurenai (42000)
     » Cenarion Expedition (42000)
     » Keepers of Time (42000)
     » Shattered Sun Offensive (42000)
     » Aldor/Scryer: (any required)
          » The Aldor (42000)
          » The Scryers (42000)
     » The Sha'tar (42000)
     » Lower City (42000)
     » Sha'tari Skyguard (42000)
     » Netherwing (42000)
     » Ogri'la (42000)
     » Sporeggar (42000)
     » The Consortium (42000)
     » The Scale of the Sands (42000)
     » The Violet Eye (42000)
     » Argent Crusade (42000)
     » Kirin Tor (42000)
     » Frenzyheart/Oracles: (any required)
          » Frenzyheart Tribe (42000)
          » The Oracles (42000)
     » Knights of the Ebon Blade (42000)
     » Alliance Vanguard/Horde Expedition (WLK): (any required)
          » Horde Expedition (42000)
          » Alliance Vanguard (42000)
     » Frostborn/Hand of Vengeance: (any required)
          » The Frostborn (42000)
          » The Hand of Vengeance (42000)
     » Valiance/Warsong: (any required)
          » Warsong Offensive (42000)
          » Valiance Expedition (42000)
     » Explorers/Taunka: (any required)
          » Explorers' League (42000)
          » The Taunka (42000)
     » Covenant/Sunreavers: (any required)
          » The Silver Covenant (42000)
          » The Sunreavers (42000)
     » The Kalu'ak (42000)
     » The Sons of Hodir (42000)
     » The Ashen Verdict (42000)
     » The Wyrmrest Accord (42000)
     » Baradin's/Hellscream's: (any required)
          » Baradin's Wardens (42000)
          » Hellscream's Reach (42000)
     » Gilneas/Bilgewater: (any required)
          » Gilneas (42000)
          » Bilgewater Cartel (42000)
     » The Earthen Ring (42000)
     » Guardians of Hyjal (42000)
     » Ramkahen (42000)
     » Therazane (42000)
     » Dragonmaw/Wildhammer: (any required)
          » Wildhammer Clan (42000)
          » Dragonmaw Clan (42000)
     » Avengers of Hyjal (42000)
     » Pandaren reps: (any required)
          » Tushui Pandaren (42000)
          » Huojin Pandaren (42000)
     » Hozen/Jinyu: (any required)
          » Forest Hozen (42000)
          » Pearlfin Jinyu (42000)
     » Golden Lotus (42000)
     » Shado-Pan (42000)
     » Order of the Cloud Serpent (42000)
     » The Tillers (42000)
     » The Anglers (42000)
     » The Klaxxi (42000)
     » The August Celestials (42000)
     » The Lorewalkers (42000)
     » The Black Prince (42000)
     » Dominance/Shieldwall (5.1): (any required)
          » Dominance Offensive (42000)
          » Operation: Shieldwall (42000)
     » Kirin Tor Offensive/Sunreaver (5.2): (any required)
          » Kirin Tor Offensive (42000)
          » Sunreaver Onslaught (42000)
     » Shado-Pan Assault (42000)
     » Emperor Shaohao (42000)
     » Frostwolf/Exarchs: (any required)
          » Frostwolf Orcs (42000)
          » Council of Exarchs (42000)
     » Arakkoa Outcasts (42000)
     » Ashran Factions: (any required)
          » Vol'jin's Spear (42000)
          » Wrynn's Vanguard (42000)
     » Laughing Skull/Sha'tari Defense: (any required)
          » Laughing Skull Orcs (42000)
          » Sha'tari Defense (42000)
     » Steamwheedle Preservation Society (42000)
     » Vol'jin's/Hand of Prophet: (any required)
          » Hand of the Prophet (42000)
          » Vol'jin's Headhunters (42000)
     » Order of the Awakened (42000)
     » The Saberstalkers (42000)
     » Highmountain Tribe (42000)
     » The Nightfallen (42000)
     » Dreamweavers (42000)
     » The Wardens (42000)
     » Court of Farondis (42000)
     » Valarjar (42000)
     » Talon's Vengeance (42000)
     » Armies of Legionfall (42000)
     » Army of the Light (42000)
     » Argussian Reach (42000)
     » Nazmir/Drustvar: (any required)
          » Talanji's Expedition (42000)
          » Order of Embers (42000)
     » Voldun/Stormsong: (any required)
          » Voldunai (42000)
          » Storm's Wake (42000)
     » Zuldazar/Tiragarde: (any required)
          » Zandalari Empire (42000)
          » Proudmoore Admiralty (42000)
     » War Campaign: (any required)
          » 7th Legion (42000)
          » The Honorbound (42000)
     » Tortollan Seekers (42000)
     » Champions of Azeroth (42000)
     » Nazjatar: (all required)
          » The Unshackled (42000)
          » Waveblade Ankoan (42000)
     » Rustbolt Resistance (42000)
     » Rajani (42000)
     » Uldum Accord (42000)
     » The Undying Army (42000)
     » The Ascended (42000)
     » Honeyback Hive (42000)
     » The Wild Hunt (42000)
     » Court of Harvesters (42000)
     » The Archivists' Codex (41000)
     » The Avowed (42000)
     » Ve'nari (42000)
     » Death's Advance (42000)
     » The Enlightened (42000)

Series (17)Category (44)
Somebody Likes Me
Raise a reputation to Exalted.
Reputation 10
5 Exalted Reputations
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10 Exalted Reputations
Raise 10 reputations to Exalted.
Reputation 10
15 Exalted Reputations
Raise 15 reputations to Exalted.
Reputation 10
20 Exalted Reputations
Raise 20 reputations to Exalted.
Reputation 10
25 Exalted Reputations
Raise 25 reputations to Exalted.
Reputation 10
30 Exalted Reputations
Raise 30 reputations to Exalted.
Reputation 10
35 Exalted Reputations
Raise 35 reputations to Exalted.
Reputation 10
40 Exalted Reputations
Raise 40 reputations to Exalted.
Reputation 10
45 Exalted Reputations
Raise 45 reputations to Exalted.
Reputation 10
50 Exalted Reputations
Raise 50 reputations to Exalted.
Reputation 10
55 Exalted Reputations
Raise 55 reputations to Exalted.
Reputation 10
60 Exalted Reputations
Raise 60 reputations to Exalted.
Reputation 10
70 Exalted Reputations
Raise 70 reputations to Exalted.
Reputation 10
80 Exalted Reputations
Raise 80 reputations to Exalted.
Reputation 10
90 Exalted Reputations
Raise 90 reputations to Exalted.
Reputation 10
100 Exalted Reputations
Raise 100 reputations to Exalted.
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