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Quick Facts
Deepholm is one of the four regions of the Elemental Plane. It serves as both home and prison for the earth elementals, ruled by Therazane the Stonemother. Her faction, Therazane, is similar to The Sons of Hodir--players will need to unlock the pool of (daily) quests in order to purchase shoulder enchants. Besides Therazane and her elementals, the Earthen Ring has also made Deepholm its temporary home. Stationed in the Temple of Earth, they are attempting to mend the wound Deathwing opened.

Showing NPCs: 472 (show objects instead)

Creatures (46)Quests (157)Fishing (14)Zone spells (11)Zone auto spells (2)
Subzones (38)Graveyards (10)See also (1)
Midsummer Bonfire15 - 30A HServer triggerFeralas1.11.1 17
ELM General Purpose Bunny Hide Body1 - 0A HServer triggerThe Lost Isles3.0.1 27
ELM General Purpose Bunny (scale x3)1 - 0A HServer triggerDeepholm3.0.1 7
[DND] Midsummer Bonfire Faction Bunny - A30 - 35A HServer triggerStormheim3.3.3 74
Generic Trigger LAB (Large AOI)1 - 0A HServer triggerGilneas City3.1.0 20
Generic Controller Bunny (CSA)1 - 0A HUnspecifiedDarkshore4.0.1 45
Deepholm Stalker Beam Target 0030 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 1
Deepholm Stalker Beam Target 0130 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 1
Deepholm Stalker Beam Target 0230 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 1
Deepholm Stalker Beam Target30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 10
Deepholm Stalker Beam Target 0430 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 1
Deepholm Stalker Beam Target 0630 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 1
Rockling Chain Bunny30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 18
Unexploded Artillery Shell30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.3 1
Unexploded Artillery Shell Mount30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.3 1
ELM General Purpose Bunny Infinite Hide Body1 - 0A HUnspecifiedThe Lost Isles4.0.1 58
Doomshroom30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 66
Boomshroom30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 3
Deepholm Stalker Beam Target 0830 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 1
Deepholm Stalker Beam Target 1030 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.3 1
Deepholm Stalker Beam Target 1230 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.3 2
Deepholm Stalker Beam Target 1530 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 1
Deepholm Stalker Beam Target 1730 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 1
Deepholm Stalker Beam Target 1930 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 1
Deepholm Stalker Beam Target 2130 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 1
Giant Mushroom30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 14
Twilight Snare Bunny30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.3 16
ELM General Purpose Bunny (scale x0.01) Large - High Aggro & Level30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.3 2
Giant Mushroom30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.3 5
"Take Him to the Earthcaller" Kill Credit30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 1
Twilight Strafe Bunny30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.3 69
Generic Controller Bunny, Gigantic (CSA)1 - 0A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.3 2
Fly Over Kill Credit30 - 35A HServer triggerDeepholm4.0.3 1
Temple Finale Camera Facing Bunny30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.3 1
Water Ward Kill Credit30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 1
Fire Ward Kill Credit30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 1
Air Ward Kill Credit30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 1
ELM General Purpose Bunny Gigantic (scale x4)30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 1
Twilight Gate Credit30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 1
Elemental Gate Credit30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 1
Boulder Platform30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 19
Falling Rubble Bunny30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 129
Deep Alabaster Bunny30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 27
Deep Celestite Bunny30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 15
Deep Amethyst Bunny30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 15
Deep Garnet Bunny30 - 35A HUnspecifiedDeepholm4.0.1 12