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Quick Facts
Feralas is a rainforest surrounded by arid zones in southern Kalimdor. It is known for the mystery surrounding Dire Maul--a former city of the Highborne that remained hermetic and drew upon demonic energy to stay immortal. There is a strong Night Elf presence--both in Feathermoon Stronghold, the base of operations for the Sentinels, and in the numerous ruins scattered around the zones.

Showing NPCs: 566 (show objects instead)

Creatures (28)Quests (177)Fishing (58)Criteria of tree (2)Zone spells (2)
Subzones (54)Graveyards (11)See also (2)
Deer1A HBeastHillsbrad Foothills1.11.1 665
Zukk'ash Stinger15 - 30A HBeastFeralas1.11.1 10
Zukk'ash Wasp15 - 30A HBeastFeralas1.11.1 11
Zukk'ash Worker15 - 30A HBeastFeralas1.11.1 8
Zukk'ash Tunneler15 - 30A HBeastFeralas1.11.1 28
Groddoc Ape15 - 30A HBeastFeralas1.11.1 21
Ironfur Bear15 - 30A HBeastFeralas1.11.1 44
Longtooth Runner15 - 30A HBeastFeralas1.11.1 70
Frayfeather Hippogryph15 - 30A HBeastFeralas1.11.1 24
Frayfeather Stagwing15 - 30A HBeastFeralas1.11.1 17
Vale Screecher15 - 30A HBeastFeralas1.11.1 20
Antilus the Soarer15 - 30A HBeastFeralas1.11.1 2
Arash-ethis15 - 30A HBeastFeralas1.11.1 2
Qirot15 - 30A HBeastFeralas1.11.1 2
Old Grizzlegut15 - 30A HBeastFeralas1.11.1 3
Snarler15 - 30A HBeastFeralas1.11.1 2
The Razza15 - 30A HBeastFeralas1.11.1 1
Gordok Hyena15 - 30A HBeastFeralas1.11.1 14
Stinglasher15 - 30A HBeastFeralas1.11.1 1
Stonemaul Swine15 - 30A HBeastFeralas4.0.3 7
Sharphorn Stag15 - 30A HBeastFeralas4.0.3 102
Vale Owl15 - 30A HBeastFeralas4.0.3 38
Scorpid Cliffcrawler15 - 30A HBeastFeralas4.0.1 163
Needlespine Cobra15 - 30A HBeastFeralas4.0.3 55
King Crawler15 - 30A HBeastFeralas4.1.0 63
Riding Mammoth15 - 30A HBeastFeralas4.1.0 2
Riding Mammoth15 - 30A HBeastFeralas4.1.0 1
Greater Roc15 - 30A HBeastFeralas4.1.0 29