
Latest fixes


Quick Facts
Westfall is a low-level Alliance zone. It used to be a tranquil farming area on the coast, but is now taken over by the Defias Brotherhood and crime runs rampant. The Westfall Brigade has created a last-ditch effort at Sentinel Hill to aid the zone, but faces threats from the Brotherhood at Moonbrook.

Showing NPCs: 858 (show objects instead)

Creatures (16)Quests (80)Fishing (45)Zone spells (12)Subzones (23)
Graveyards (4)
Greater Fleshripper5 - 30A HBeastWestfall1.11.1 33
Goretusk5 - 30A HBeastWestfall1.11.1 81
Young Fleshripper5 - 30A HBeastWestfall1.11.1 28
Young Goretusk5 - 30A HBeastWestfall1.11.1 47
Vultros5 - 30A HBeastWestfall1.11.1 1
Old Blanchy5 - 30A HBeastGrizzly Hills1.11.1 2
Sand Crawler5 - 30A HBeastAzshara1.11.1 60
Sea Crawler5 - 30A HBeastWestfall1.11.1 425
Coyote Packleader5 - 30A HBeastWestfall1.11.1 10
Coyote5 - 30A HBeastWestfall1.11.1 61
Deer1A HBeastHillsbrad Foothills1.11.1 665
Fleshripper1 - 60A HBeast 1.11.1 100
Shore Crawler5 - 30A HBeastWestfall1.11.1 33
Cow1A HBeast 1.11.1 95
Reef Shark7 - 30A HBeastSilverpine Forest1.11.1 8
Hulking Goretusk5 - 30A HBeastWestfall4.0.1 42